- Trouvé au paragraphe 11: (...) to the subfield of visual poetry (for a good histori (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 16: (...) lips, a new form of visual poetry, to take some examp (...)
3 articles with
visual poetry
i Général
iv Formes, modes et sous-genres textuels
iv.7Motifs visuels en poésie lyrique
Kozak, Claudia - 2025
- Trouvé au paragraphe 9: (...) iality of poetry is visual poetry in all of its forms (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 10: (...) though the realm of visual poetry tout court. Imagism (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 15: (...) ion of this kind of visual poetry into modernism, alt (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 16: (...) r in the history of visual poetry. In fact, Simmias o (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 17: (...) nd spiral shapes in visual poetry are often found in (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 18: (...) Other types of visual poetry include calligraphi (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 19: (...) of the 20th century visual poetry – in particular tho (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 21: (...) groups that include visual poetry. For example, the a (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 22: (...) eating experimental visual poetry and publishing jour (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 23: (...) e, a whole world of visual poetry opens up beyond the (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 24: (...) ortant place within visual poetry beyond the book. Wh (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 25: (...) s of experiments in visual poetry, as in the cases of (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 27: (...) only once mentions visual poetry, although this woul (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 29: (...) distinction between visual poetry in a general sense (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 31: (...) ian Jörg Piringer’s visual poetry gifs and in general (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 32: (...) The very notion of “visual poetry” has been discussed (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 33: (...) of the 20th century visual poetry embarked in globali (...)
- Trouvé dans la bibliographie / webliographie
- Trouvé au paragraphe 4: (...) d as forms of proto-visual poetry. And when the readi (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 5: (...) al poetry and audio-visual poetry. Performance poetry (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 14: (...) of digital poetry, visual poetry, or even plastic ar (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 21: (...) Visual Poetry, Concrete Poetry, I (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 38: (...) Visual Poetry, Concrete Poetry, I (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 42: (...) to the evolution of visual poetry? Some of the poems (...)
- Trouvé dans la bibliographie / webliographie