General bibliography
AAarseth, Espen J. 1997. Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature. Baltimore, Md: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media / Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Abram, David. 1997. The Spell of the Sensuous. New York: Vintage Books.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Abrams, M. H., and G. G. Harpham. 2015. A Glossary of Literary Terms. Boston: Cengage.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Achermann, Eric. 2022. “III.1.3 Geistiges Eigentum und Copyright.” In Grundthemen der Literaturwissenschaft: Autorschaft, edited by Michael Wetzel, 238–258. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Adell, Joan Elies. 2004. “Las palabras y las máquinas. Una aproximación a la creación poética digital”. In Literatura y cibercultura, edited by Domingo Sánchez-Mesa, 287–296. Madrid: Arco.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Adler, Jeremy and Ernst, Ulrich. 1988. Text und Figure. Visuelle Poesie von der Antike bis zur Moderne. Weinheim: VCH.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Adorno, Theodor W. 1975. “Kulturkritik und Gesellschaft.” In Gesellschaftstheorie und Kulturkritik, 46–65. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Adorno, Theodor W. 1981. “Engagement.” In Noten zur Literatur, edited by Rolf Tiedemann, 409–430. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Adorno, Theodor W. 2020. "Briefe und Briefwechsel." Vol. 1: Theodor W. Adorno and Walter Benjamin. Briefwechsel 1928–1940, edited by Henri Lonitz. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Afribo, Andrea. 2002. Teoria e prassi della ‘gravitas’ nel Cinquecento. Firenze: F. Cesati.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Aguilar Gonzalo. 2003. Poesía concreta brasilieña: las vanguardias en la encrucijada modernista. Rosario: Beatriz Viterbo.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Alaimo, Stacy. 2010. Bodily Natures. Science, Environment and the Material Self. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Alexander, Neal. 2022. “Walking the Tar Sands: Poetry and the Fossil Economy.” Green Letters 26, 3: 231–240.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Altieri, Charles. 2006. The Art of Twentieth-Century American Poetry: Modernism and After. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Amlinger, Carolin. 2021. Schreiben. Eine Soziologie literarischer Arbeit. Berlin: Suhrkamp.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Ammon, Frieder von, and Herfried Vögel. 2008. “Einleitung.” In Die Pluralisierung des Paratextes in der Frühen Neuzeit. Theorie, Formen, Funktionen, edited by Frieder von Ammon and Herfried Vögel, VII–XIX. Berlin: LIT.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Ammon, Frieder von. 2018. Fülle des Lauts: Aufführung und Musik in der deutschsprachigen Lyrik seit 1945: Das Werk Ernst Jandls in seinen Kontexten. Heidelberg: Metzler.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Anders, Petra. 2013. Lyrische Texte im Deutschunterricht. Grundlagen, Methoden, multimediale Praxisvorschläge. Seelze: Klett Kallmeyer.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Ansel, Michael. 2016. “Annotierte Lyrik. Die Funktion der Titelzusätze und Anmerkungen in Kästners Gedichtbänden der Weimarer Republik.” In Erich Kästner und die Moderne, edited by Silke Becker and Sven Hanuschek, 97–116. Marburg: Tectum.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Antelo, Raúl. 2010. Maria com Marcel. Duchamp nos trópicos. Belo Horizonte: UFMG.
Apollinaire, Guillaume. 1996 [1917]. "L’esprit moderne et les poètes." In Guillaume Apollinaire, Œuvres complètes, vol. 3, ed. by Michel Décaudin. Paris : Gallimard, 900–910.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Apter, Emily. 2013. Against World Literature: On the Politics of Untranslatability. London/New York, Verso.
Apter, Emily. 2014. "Against World Literature (2013)" (pp. 345–362), in David Damrosch (ed.), World Literature Today, Malaysia, Wiley Blackwell.
Aquien, Michèle and Georges Molinié. 1996. Dictionnaire de rhétorique et de poétique. Paris: Le Livre de Poche.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Astley, Neil (ed.). 2007. Earth Shattering: Ecopoems. Highgreen, Tarset: Bloodaxe.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Auerbach, Eric. 1995. “Filologia della Weltliteratur” (1952), pp. 89–102. In Armando Gnisci, La letteratura del mondo. Roma: Sovera, 1995. “Philology and Weltliteratur." [Trans. Maire and Edward Said. Centennial Review 1993] Romanische Forschungen 64/19
BBachmann-Medick, Doris. 2016. Cultural Turns. New Orientations in the Study of Culture. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Baehr, Rudolf, ed. 1967. Der provenzalische Minnesang. Ein Querschnitt durch die neuere Forschungsdiskussion. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Baetens, Jan and Domingo Sánchez-Mesa. 2017. “La literatura en expansión. Intermedialidad y transmedialidad en el cruce entre literatura comparada, los estudios culturales y los new media studies”, Tropelías. Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada, 27, 6—27.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Baetens, Jan, and Domingo Sánchez Mesa. 2015. “Literature in the Expanded Field: Intermediality at the Crossroads of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature.” Interfaces 36: 289–304.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Baetens, Jan, and Domingo Sánchez Mesa. 2022. “Cooling Down Transmedia Storytelling.” 2022. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 24/2.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Baetens, Jan. 2014. “Le medium n’est pas soluble dans les médias de masse.” Hermès 70: 40–45.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Baetens, Jan. 2022 [2016]. Poetry Performed. The Problem of Public Reading. Lafayette: The University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Bahti, Timothy and Jenny C. Mann. 2016. “Trope.” In The Princeton Handbook of Poetic Terms, edited by Roland Greene and Stephen Cushman, 377–378. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Bajohr, Hannes, and Annette Gilbert, eds. 2021. Digitale Literatur II. Special Issue TEXT + KRITIK. München: edition text + kritik.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media / Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Bajohr, Hannes. 2022. Schreibenlassen. Texte zur Literatur im Digitalen. Berlin: August Verlag.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhailovich. 1981. The Dialogic Imagination. Four Essays. Translated by Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Balpe, Jean-Pierre. 1991. "Présentation", L'imagination informatique de la littérature. St Denis: PUV.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Barfield, Owen. 1952. Poetic Diction: A Study in Meaning. London: Faber.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Bark, Joachim. 1993. “Nicht nur Echtermeyer. Die Rolle der Lyrikanthologien für die Bildung von Kanon und Geschmack im 19. Jahrhundert.” In Deutschunterricht und Lebenswelt in der Fachgeschichte, edited by Ortwin Beisbart and Helga Bleckwenn, 131–140. Frankfurt et al. u. a.: Peter Lang.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Barmeier, Eike. 1968. Die Musen. Ein Beitrag zur Inspirationstheorie. München: Fink.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Barner, Wilfried. 1981. “Poeta Doctus. Über die Renaissance eines Dichterideals in der deutschen Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts.” In Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte. Festschrift für Richard Brinkmann, edited by Jürgen Brummack, Gerhart von Graevenitz, Fritz Hackert, Hans-Georg Kemper, Günther Mahal, Paul Mog, Klaus-Peter Philippi, Hinrich C. Seeba and Waltraud Wiethölter, 725–752. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Baroni, Raphael, and Claus Gunti, eds. 2020. Introduction à l’étude des cultures numériques. Paris: Colin.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Barthes, Roland. 1964. “La Civilisation de l’image”, Communications, 4, 564–566.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Barthes, Roland. 1967. “Proust et les noms.” In To Honor Roman Jakobson. Essays on the Occasion of his Seventieth birthday, 11 October 1966. Vol. 1, 150–158. The Hague and Paris: Mouton.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Barthes, Roland. 1982 [1973]. S/Z. Paris: Seuil.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Barthes, Roland. 1982. “L’esprit de la lettre ”, “Erté ou A la lettre”, “Semiographie d’André Masson ” et “Cy Twombly ou Non multa sed multum”. In L’obvie et l’obtus. Essais critiques lII. Paris : Editions du Seuil.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Barthes, Roland. 2000. Le plaisir du texte : précédé de Variations sur l'écriture. Paris: Seuil.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Barthes, Roland. 2000. “Der Tod des Autors.” In Texte zur Theorie der Autorschaft, edited by Fotis Jannidis, Gerhard Lauer, Matías Martínez and Simone Winko, 185–193. Stuttgart: Reclam.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Barthes, Roland. 2002. “La mort de l’auteur.” In Oeuvres Complètes, vol. III, 40–45. Paris: Seuil.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Bate, Jonathan. 1991. Romantic Ecology. Wordsworth and the Environmental Tradition. London: Routledge.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Bate, Jonathan. 2000. The Song of the Earth. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press..
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Battistini, Andrea. 2000. Barocco. Roma: Salerno Editrice.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Bazin, André. 1967–1971. What is cinema? Vol. 1 & 2. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Beccaria, Gian Luigi. 1975. L’autonomia del significante: Figure del ritmo e della sintassi: Dante, Pascoli, D’Annunzio. Torino: Einaudi.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Beiguelman, Giselle. 2010. “The Reader, the Player and the Executable Poetics. Towards a Literature Beyond the Book”. In Jurgen Schäfer and Peter Gendolla (eds.), Beyond the Screen. Transformations of Literary Structures, Interfaces and Genres. Bielefbeld: Transcript Verlag.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Bein, Thomas. 1999. “Zum ‘Autor’ im mittelalterlichen Literaturbetrieb.” In Rückkehr des Autors. Zur Erneuerung eines umstrittenen Begriffs, edited by Fotis Jannidis, Gerhard Lauer, Matías Martínez and Simone Winko, 303–320. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Benedetti, Carla. 1999. L’ombra lunga dell’autore. Indagine su una figura cancellata. Mailand: Feltrinelli.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Benedetti, Carla. [1999] 2005. The Empty Cage: Inquiry into the Mysterious Disappearance of the Author. Ithaca: Cornell UP.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Benjamin, Walter. 1974. “Über einige Motive bei Baudelaire.” In Gesammelte Schriften, Vol I.2, edited by Rolf Tiedemann and Hermann Schweppenhäuser, 605–653. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Benjamin, Walter. 1986. Illuminations. New York: Schocken Books.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Benjamin, Walter. 2008 [1935]. The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility and Other Writings on Media. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Benn, Gottfried. 2003 [1951]. “Der Verleger und sein Autor. Rundfunkgespräch mit Max Niedermayer und Karl Schwedhelm.” In Gottfried Benn. Sämtliche Werke. Stuttgarter Ausgabe, in association with Ilse Benn, edited by Gerhard Schuster and Holger Hof, vol. 7,1, 260–267. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Bennett, Andrew. 2005. The Author. London: Routledge.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Bense, Max. 1960. Programmierung des Schönen. Allgemeine Texttheorie und Textästhetik. aesthetica IV. Baden-Baden and Krefeld: Agis.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Benthien, Claudia and Wiebke Vorrath. 2017. “German Sound Poetry from the Neo-Avant-Garde to the Digital Age.” SoundEffects: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience, 7(1), 4–26.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Benthien, Claudia, and Norbert Gestring, eds. 2023. Public Poetry. Lyrik im urbanen Raum. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry / Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Benthien, Claudia, Jordis Lau, and Maraike M. Marxsen. 2019. The Literariness of Media Art. New York: Taylor and Francis.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media / Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Benthien, Claudia. 2021. “Public Poetry: Encountering the Lyric in Urban Space”. In Ralph Müller and Henrieke Stahl (eds), “Contemporary Lyric Poetry in Transitions between Genres and Media. Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik, Band 2, 345–367.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Benthien, Claudia; Jordis Lau and Maraike M. Marxen. 2019. The Literariness of Media Art. New York: Routledge.
Bernstein, Charles. 1998. Close Listening, Poetry and the Performed Word. New York: Oxford University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Berry, Eleanor. 2012. "Visual Poetry". The Princeton Encyclopaedia of Poetry and Poetics. Roland Greene, Stephen Cushman, Claire Cavanagh, Jahan Ramazani and Paul Rouzer (eds.). Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press, 1522–1525.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Besson, Françoise. 2019. Ecology and Literatures in English. Writing to Save the Planet. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Binczek, Natalie. 2012. “Zwischen den Stockwerken. Texträume in Thomas Bernhards Lesung ‘Der Hutmacher’.” In Bewegen im Zwischenraum, edited by Uwe Wirth and Julia Paganini, 237–261. Berlin: Kadmos.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Bisenius-Penin, Carole, René Audet, and Bertrand Gervais, eds. 2022. “Les arts littéraires : transmédialité et dispositifs convergents.” Recherches & travaux, no 100,
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Bisenius-Penin, Carole. 2023. La Résidence d’auteurs. Littérature, territorialités et médiations culturelles. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Blakesley, Jacob. 2019. “Reading Distantly Poetry Translation: Modern European Poet-Translators” (pp. 197–220), en Jacob Blakesley (ed.), Sociologies of Poetry Translation. Emerging Perspectives. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Blank, Walter. 1997. “Allegorie3.” In Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft, new edition, vol 1, edited by Harald Fricke, Klaus Grubmüller, Jan-Dirk Müller and Klaus Weimar, 44–48. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Block, Friedrich W. 1997. “The form of the media: The intermediality of visual poetry”. In Winfried Nöth (ed.), Semiotics of the Media: State of the Art, Projects, and Perspectives. New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 713–730.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Boehm, Gottfried, ed.1994. Was ist ein Bild? München: Fink.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Böhler, Michael. 1998. “‘Cross the Border – Close the Gap!’ Die Dekanonisierung der Elitekultur in der Postmoderne und die Rekanonisierung des Amerika-Mythos. Zur Kanondiskussion in den USA.” In Kanon Macht Kultur, edited by Renate von Heydebrand, 483–503. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Bohnenkamp, Anne. 2002. “Autorschaft und Textgenese.” In Autorschaft. Positionen und Revisionen, edited by Heinrich Detering, 62–79. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Bolter, Jay David and Richard Grusin. 1996. “Remediation”, Configurations 4(3), 311–358.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Bolter, Jay David, and Richard Grusin. 1999. Remediation. Understanding New Media. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Bolter, Jay David. 1991. Writing Space. The Computer, Hypertext & the History of Writing. Hilsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Bootz, Philippe. 2006. « Vers de nouvelles formes en poésie numérique programmée ? » in RiLUnE, n. 5, p. 19–35.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Bootz, Philippe. 2011. “La poesía digital programada: una poesía del dispositivo”. In Claudia Kozak (comp.), Poéticas tecnológicas, transdisciplina y sociedad: Actas del Seminario Internacional Ludión-Paragraphe. Buenos Aires: Exploratorio Ludión, pp. 31–
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Bootz, Philippe. 2012. “La poesía digital programada: una poesía del dispositivo”. In Poéticas tecnológicas, trans¬disciplina y sociedad: Actas del Seminario Internacional Ludión-Paragraphe, edited by Claudia Kozak, 31–40. Buenos Aires: Exploratorio Ludió
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Bootz, Philippe. 2012. “Sign and apparatus in digital poetry: The example of Jean-Marie Dutey’s le mange-texte” in Literary and Linguistics Computing, 27 (3), 273–292.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Borzelli, Angelo. 1898. Il cavalier Giovan Battista Marino (1569–1625): memoria premiata dall’Accademia Pontaniana. Napoli: Gennaro M. Priore.
Bourdieu, Pierre. 1996 [1992]. Rules of Art: Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric / Producer of Lyric
Bourdieu, Pierre. 1998. Contre-feux, Paris, Raisons d’agir.
Bourdieu, Pierre. 2001. Die Regeln der Kunst. Genese und Struktur des literarischen Feldes. Translated by Bernd Schwibs and Achim Russer. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Bouvet, Rachel and Stephanie Posthumus. 2016. “Eco-and Geo-Approaches in French and Francophone Literary Studies: Ecocritique, écopoétique, géocritique, géopoétique.” Zapf, H. (ed.) Handbook of Ecocriticism and Cultural Ecology: 385–412.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Brandmeyer, Rudolf. 2016. “Poetiken der Lyrik: Von der Normpoetik zur Autorenpoetik.” In Handbuch Lyrik. Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte, edited by Dieter Lamping, 2–14. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Brandt, Rüdiger. 1986. Kleine Einführung in die mittelalterliche Poetik und Rhetorik: Mit Beispielen aus der deutschen Literatur des 11. bis 16. Jahrhunderts. Göppingen: Kümmerle.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Braune, Sean. 2014. “Arche-Speech and Sound Poetry”, Pivot. A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies and Thought, 3(1), 104–137.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Braungart, Wolfgang. 2014. “Priester und Prophet. Literarische Autorschaft in der Moderne. Am Beispiel Stefan Georges.” In Prophetie und Autorschaft. Charisma, Heilsversprechen und Gefährdung, edited by Christel Meier and Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf, 335–353. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Breton, André. 1969. Manifestoes of Surrealism. Translated by Richard Seaver and Helen R. Lane: Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Brewster, Scott. 2009. Lyric. London and New York: Routledge.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Brillenburg-Wurth, Kiene. 2018. “The Material Turn in Comparative Literature: An Introduction.” Comparative Literature, 70, no. 3: 247–263.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Bristow, Tom. 2015. The Anthropocene Lyric: An Affective Geography of Poetry, Person and Place. Palgrave.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Brogan, Jacqueline V., Wolfgang B. Fleischmann and Tyler Hoffmann. 2012. “Performance”. In The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, Roland Greene, Stephen Cushman, Clare Cavanagh, Jahan Ramazani, and Paul Rouzer (eds.), Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press, 1016–1020.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Broich, Ulrich and Manfred Pfister, eds. 1985. Intertextualität. Formen, Funktionen, anglistische Fallstudien. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Brooks, Cleanth. 1960 [1947]. The Well Wrought Urn: Studies in the Structure of Poetry. London: Dennis Dobson.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Bryson, Norman. 1988. “Intertextuality and Visual Poetics”, Style 22(2): 183–193.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Bryson, Scott J. 2002. Ecopoetry: A Critical Introduction. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Bryson, Scott J. 2005. The West Side of Any Mountain: Place, Space, and Ecopoetry. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Buell, Lawrence. 1995. The Environmental Imagination: Thoreau, Nature Writing and the Formation of American Culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Bühler, Karl. [1934] 1999. Sprachtheorie. Die Darstellungsfunktion der Sprache. Mit einem Geleitwort von Friedrich Kainz. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Burdorf, Dieter. 2000. “Lyrisch.” In Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft, edited by Harald Fricke, Klaus Grubmüller, Jan-Dirk Müller and Klaus Weimar, Vol. 2, 505–509. Berlin and New York: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Burdorf, Dieter. 2009. “Rhetorisch-stilistische Eigenschaften der Lyrik der Gegenwart.” In Rhetorik und Stilistik. Ein internationales Handbuch historischer und systematischer Forschung, Vol. 2 (HSK 31.2), edited by Ulla Fix, Andreas Gardt and Joachim Knape, 2082–2099. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Burdorf, Dieter. 2015. Einführung in die Gedichtanalyse. Third, updated and extended edition. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Burdorf, Dieter. 2019. “Die Strahlkraft der Namen. Zu Personennamen in Gedichten und deren Paratexten.” In Lyrikologie: Band 1. Lyrisches Ich, Textsubjekt, Sprecher? Grundfragen eines Forschungsfeldes, edited by Claudia Hillebrandt, Sonja Klimek, Ralph Müller, and Rüdiger Zymner, 164–176. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Burke, Michael, ed. 2014. The Routledge Handbook of Stylistics. Second edition. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Burke, Séan. 2008. The Death and Return of the Autorh. Critcism and Subjectivity in Barthes, Foucault and Derrida. 3rd ed. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Burnside, John, ed. 2018. Natur! 100 Gedichte. München: Penguin.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Burrows, John, and Hugh Craig. 2019. “Attribution.” In The Cambridge Handbook of Literary Authorship, edited by Ingo Berensmeyer, Gert Buelens and Marysa Demoor, 325–340. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Byson, Norman (ed.) 1988. Calligram. Essays in New Art History from France. Cambridge University Press.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
CCalle-Gruber, Mireille and Elisabeth Zawisza, eds. 2000. Paratextes. Études aux bords du texte. Paris: L’Harmattan.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Campe, Rüdiger. 1990. Affekt und Ausdruck. Zur Umwandlung literarischer Rede im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Campos López, Ronald. 2018. “Estudios sobre la ecopoesía hispánica contemporánea: Hacia un estado de la cuestion” Artifara, 18: 169–204.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Campos, Augusto de; Pignatari, Décio; Campos, Haroldo de. 2006. Teoria da Poesia Concreta. Textos Críticos e Manifestos 1950–1960. São Paulo: Ateliê Editorial.
Campos, Haroldo de. 1969. A arte no horizonte do provável. São Paulo: Editora Perspetiva.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Carvalho Pereira, Vinícius y Maciel, Cristiano. 2013. “The user’s and the designer’s role and the aesthetic experience of generative literature”. Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing System, Brazilian Computer Society, 188–197.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Casanova, Pascale. 2001. La República mundial de las Letras. Madrid, Anagrama.
Casanova, Pascale. 2015. La langue mondiale. Traduction et domination, Paris, Seuil.
Cassin, Barbara. 2022. Éloge de la traduction. Compliquer l’universel, Paris, Fayard/Pluriel.
Castiglione, Baldesar. 1998. Il libro del Cortegiano, edited by Walter Barberis. Turin: Enaudi.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Catelli, Nora. 2009. “Juan Benet y la consagración literaria” (pp. 34–40), Pensamiento literario español del siglo XX, n. 3. Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza.
Caupert, Christina. 2013. “USA.” In Handbuch Kanon und Wertung, edited by Gabriele Rippl and Simone Winko, 296–300. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Cavell, Stanley. 1979. The World Viewed. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Cayley, John. 2002. “The Code is not the Text (unless it is the Text).” Electronic Book Review, September 10.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Cayley, John. 2007. “Beyond Codexspace: Potentialities of Literary Cybertext”. In Eduardo Kac (ed.), Media Poetry: An International Anthology. Bristol: Intellect Books. 105–125.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Cayley, John. 2018. Grammalepsy: essays on digital language art. London: Bloomsbury.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Charpentreau, Jacques. 2006. Dictionnaire de la poésie française. Paris: Fayard.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Chartier, Roger. 1993. Libros, lecturas y lectores en la Edad Moderna. Madrid: Alianza.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Chartier, Roger. 1994 [1992]. The Order of Books: Readers, Authors, and Libraries in Europe Between the 14th and 18th Centuries. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Chartier, Roger. 2001. “Lecteurs et lectures à l’âge de la textualité électronique”. Aura digital, estudis de cibercultura hipertextual: documents lectura. Barcelona : UOC.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Chatman, Seymour. 1965. A Theory of Meter. The Hague, London, Paris: Mouton.
Referenced in: Rhythm, Metre, Line
Christin, Anne-Marie. 1999. L'Image écrite. Paris: Flammarion.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Christin, Anne-Marie. 2009. L’Image écrit ou la déraison graphique. Paris: Flammarion.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Cicero, Marcus Tullius. 2014. Brutus. Orator. With an English translation by G.L. Hendrickson and H.M. Hubbell. Revised ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Clark, Alexander Frederick Bruce. 1937. “Alexander Sergeyevitch Pushkin”, University of Toronto Quarterly 6 (2): 174–188.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Cocola, Jim. 2016. Places in the Making: A Cultural Geography of American Poetry. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Cohen, Jean. 1966. Structure du langage poétique. Paris: Flammarion.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. 1983. “Biographia Literaria or Biographical Sketches of My Literary Life and Opinions.” In The Collected Works, vol. 7, edited by James Engell and Jackson W. Bate. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Collot, Michel. 2019. Le Chant du monde dans la poésie française contemporaine. Corti.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Combe, Dominique. 1996. “La référence dédoublée. Le sujet lyrique entre fiction et autobiographie.” In Figures du lyrique, edited by Dominique Rabaté, 39–63. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Contini, Gianfranco. 1970. Varianti e altra linguistica: Una raccolta di saggi (1938–1968). Torino: Einaudi.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Contini, Gianfranco. 1974. Esercizî di lettura: sopra autori contemporanei con un’appendice su testi non contemporanei. Edizione aumentata di “Un anno di letteratura”. Torino: Einaudi.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Contini, Gianfranco. 2023. Una corsa all’avventura. Saggi scelti (1932–1989), edited by Uberto Motta. Roma: Carocci.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Corbett, Edward P. J. 1990. Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student. 3rd edition. New York: Oxford University Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Coutinho, Eduardo F. ed. 2018. Brazilian Literature as World Literature. London: Bloomsbury.
Cózar, Rafael de. 1991. Poesía e imagen: formas difíciles de ingenio literario. Sevilla: El carro de nieve.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Culler, Jonathan. 2015. Theory of the Lyric. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices / Producer of Lyric
Currie, Bruno and Ian Rutherford, eds. 2019. The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry in the Ancient World: Transmission, Canonization and Paratext. Studies in Archaic and Classical Greek Song, Vol. 5. Leiden: Brill.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Curtius, Ernst Robert. 1993. Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter. 11th ed. Tübingen: Francke.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Czarnecka, Mirosława. 2020. “Widmungspraktiken der Übersetzerinnen im 17. Jahrhundert.” In Die Bedeutung der Rezeptionsliteratur für Bildung und Kultur der Frühen Neuzeit (1400-1750), edited by Alfred Noe and Hans-Gert Roloff, 261–287. Bern: Peter Lang.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
DDamon, Maria. 1998. “Was that Different, Dissident or Dissonant? Poetry (n) the Public Spear: Slams, Open Readings, and Dissident Traditions”. In Charles Bernstein (ed.), Close Listening. Poetry and the Performed Word. New York: Oxford University Press, 3
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Damrosch, David. 2003. What is World Literature?, Princeton / Oxford, Princeton University Press.
Damrosch, David. 2006. “World Literature in a Postcanonical, Hypercanonical Age.” In Comparative Literature in an Age of Globalization, edited by Haun Saussy, 43–53. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Darnton, Robert. 1987. The Business of Enlightenment: A Publishing History of the Encyclopédie, 1775–1800. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
De Campos, Haroldo. 1963. “Da tradução como criação e como crítica” (pp. 164–181), Tempo brasileiro. 4/5, 1963.
De Campos, Haroldo. 1992. “Da tradução como criação e como crítica” (31–48) (1963). Em Metalinguagem & outras metas, 4ª ed. revisada y ampliada, São Paulo, Perspectiva.
De Campos, Haroldo. 1997. “Tradition, Translation, Transculturation: the Ex–Centric's Viewpoint,” translated by Stella Tagnin, in the magazine Tradterm, nº 4, 2º semester, (pp. 11–18).
De Campos, Haroldo. 2000. Ideograma. Lógica poesia linguagem. São Paulo: EdUSP.
De Campos, Haroldo. 2004. Octava galaxia (sin paginar), Galáxias, São Paulo, Editora 34.
De Campos, Haroldo. 2006. “Da razão antropofágica: diálogo e diferença na cultura brasileira” (231–255) (1981). Metalinguagem & outras metas. São Paulo: Perspectiva.
De Campos, Haroldo. 2007. Novas. Selected Writings, edited by Antonio Sergio Bessa and Odile Cisneros (with a foreword by Ronald Greene). Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
De Campos, Haroldo. 2023. “A poesia concreta e a realidade nacional“ (1961) (pp. 51–64). In Haroldo de Campos, ReVisão de Oswald de Andrade: textos dispersos, ed. Thiago de Melo Barbosa, São Paulo, Madamu and Casa das Rosas.
De Campos, Haroldo. 2023. “A poesia concreta e a realidade nacional” (1961) (pp. 51–64), in Haroldo de Campos, ReVisão de Oswald de Andrade: textos dispersos, org. Thiago de Melo Barbosa, São Paulo, Madamu and Casa das Rosas.
Dehaene, Stanislas. 2009. Reading in the Brain. The Science and Evolution of a Human Invention; Viking, New York.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
DeLucia, JoEllen. 2015. A Feminine Enlightenment: British Women Writers and the Philosophy of Progress, 1759–1820. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Dembeck, Till. 2017. “Lyrik kanonisieren: Herders Volksliedersammlung als Versuch einer Gattungskonstitution.” In Rahmungen. Präsentationsformen und Kanoneffekte, edited by Philip Ajouri et al., 123–145. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Derrida, Jacques. 1967. De la grammatologie. Paris : Éditions de Minuit.
Derrida, Jacques. 1967. De la grammatologie. Paris : Les Éditions de Minuit.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media / Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Desrochers Nadine and Daniel Apollon, eds. 2014. Examining Paratextual Theory and its Applications in Digital Culture. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Desson, Gérard. 2016. Introduction à l’analyse du poème. Paris: Armand Colin.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Detken, Anke. 2003. “Poeta.” In Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik, edited by Gert Ueding, col. 1289–1304. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Devoto, Giacomo. 1950. Studi di stilistica. Firenze: Le Monnier.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Devoto, Giacomo. 1962. Nuovi studi di stilistica. Firenze: Le Monnier.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Devoto, Giacomo. 1975. Itinerario stilistico. Firenze: Le Monnier.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Dewey, John. 1980 [1934]. Art as Experience. New York: TarcherPerigee.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Di Girolamo, Costanzo. 1976. Teoria e prassi della versificazione. Bologna: il Mulino.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Diderot, Denis, and Jean Le Rond D’Alembert, eds. 1751–1772: Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers, 28 vols., Paris.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Dilthey, Wilhelm. 2005 [1910]. “Das Erlebnis und die Dichtung: Lessing, Goethe, Novalis, Hölderlin.” In Gesammelte Schriften, vol. 26, edited by Gabriele Malsch. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Ditschke, Stephan. 2022. Literatur live. Publikumswertungen von Literaturveranstaltungen und mündlich präsentierter Literatur: Autorenlesungen und Poetry Slams. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Dolven, Jeffrey. 2016. “Style.” In The Princeton Handbook of Poetic Terms, Third edition, edited by Roland Greene and Stephen Cushman, 346–348. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Domin, Hilde. 1975. Wozu Lyrik heute? Dichtung und Leser in der gesteuerten Gesellschaft. 3rd ed. München: Piper.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Donguy, Jacques. 2007. Poésies expérimentales. Zone numérique (1953–2007), Dijon, Presses du réel, collection « L'écart absolu ».
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Döring, Jörg. 2018. “Marcel Beyer liest. Gedicht und performativer Epitext.” In Marcel Beyer. Perspektiven auf Autor und Werk, edited by Christian Klein, 73–93. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Dorleijn, Gillis J. 2010. “Poetry Doesn't Pay. On the Income Position of Prominent Dutch Poets.” In Authorshop Revisited. Conception of Authorship around 1900 and 2000, edited by Gillis J. Dorleijn, Ralf Grüttermeier and Liesbeth Korthals Altes, 53–81. Leuven: Peeters.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Dröse, Astrid. 2017. “Paragonale Relationen? Das Verhältnis von Musik, Bild und Text in Titelkupfern barocker Liedersammlungen.” In Intermedialität in der Frühen Neuzeit. Formen, Funktionen, Konzepte, edited by Jörg Robert, 260–284. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Drucker, Johanna. 2012a. “Carmina Figurata.” The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, Princeton, edited by Roland Greene, Stephen Cushman, Clare Cavanagh, Jahan Ramazani, and Paul Rouzer, 207–208. Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Drucker, Johanna. 2012b. “Concrete Poetry.” The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, Princeton, edited by Roland Greene, Stephen Cushman, Clare Cavanagh, Jahan Ramazani, and Paul Rouzer, 294-295. Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Drucker, Johanna. 2014. Graphesis. Visual Forms of Knowledge Production. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Du Bellay, Joachim. 2007 [1549]. La Deffence et illustration de la langue françoyse. In La Deffence, et illustration de la langue françoyse & L’Olive, edited by Jean-Charles Monferran and Ernesta Caldarini, Geneva: Droz.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Dubois, Jacques, F. Edeline, J.M. Klingkenberg, P. Minguet, F. Pire, H. Trinon [Gruppe μ], eds. 1970. Rhétorique Générale. Paris: Larousse.
Dungy, Camille, ed. 2009. Black Nature: Four Centuries of African American Nature Poetry. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Dworkin, Craig, and Kenneth Goldsmith, eds. 2011. Against Expression: An Anthology of Conceptual Writing. Evanston: Northwestern University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Dworkin, Craig. 2015. No Medium. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Dworkin, Craig. 2018. “Poetry in the Age of Consumer-Generated Content.” Critical Inquiry 44, no. 4: 674–705.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
D’Ors, Miguel. 2006. “Nuevos datos sobre caligramas.” Rhythmica, III–IV.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
EEckardt, Jana, Frederik Eicks, Sören Kleist, Julia Wagner, and Simone Winko. 2024. “Leselisten als Textsorte und universitäre Kanonisierungsinstanz. Empirische Untersuchungen.” Forthcoming.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Eckel, Winfried. 2011. “Lyrik und Musik.” Handbuch Lyrik. Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte, edited by Dieter Lamping, 88–98.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Eco, Umberto. 1990. I limiti dell’interpretazione. Milano: Bompiani.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Eilittä, Leena and Catherine Riccio-Berry. 2016. Afterlives of Romantic Intermediality: The Intersection of Visual, Aural, and Verbal Frontiers. Lanham: Lexington Books.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Eliot, T.S. 1948. “Tradition and the Individual Talent.” In Selected Essays. London: Faber and Faber.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Elleström, Lars. 2016. “Visual Iconicity in Poetry. Replacing the Notion of ‘Visual Poetry’”. Orbis Litterarum 71( 6): 437–472.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Empson, William. 1947 [1930]. Seven Types of Ambiguity. London: Chatto and Windus.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Enzensberger, Hans Magnus. 2000. Einladung zu einem Poesie-Automaten. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment / Producer of Lyric
Epstein, Jean. 1955. Esprit de cinéma. Genève: Jeheber.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Ernst, Ulrich. 1986. “The Figured Poem: Towards a Definition of Genre”. Visible Language XX,1: 8–27.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Ernst, Ulrich. 2011. “Lyrik und (bildende) Kunst.” Handbuch Lyrik. Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte, edited by Dieter Lamping, 192–203. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Escandell Montiel, Daniel. 2017. “Logoemesis y cultura textovisual: figuras de la generación y visibilización del texto en el arte escrito mediado por las pantallas”, Tropelías. Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada, 27, 67–78.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Etiemble, René. 1974. Essais de littérature vraiement générale. Paris: Gallimard.
FFajole, Florent. 2019. “Mirtha Dermisache: L’écriture autre, à elle-même”. Cuaderno 75, Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación, 83–97.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Feinsod, Harris. 2012. “Sound Poetry”. In The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, Roland Greene, Stephen Cushman, Clare Cavanagh, Jahan Ramazani, and Paul Rouzer (eds.), Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press, 1327–1329.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Fénelon, François de. 1797. “Lettre écrite à l’Académie française, sur l’éloquence, la poésie, l’histoire, etc. [1714].” In Œuvres choisies de Fénelon, vol. 5, 209–364, Paris.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Fenollosa, Ernest and Pound, Ezra. 2008. The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry, edited by Haun Jonathan Stalling and Lucas Klein. New York: Fordham University Press.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Ferrando, Bartolomé. 2007. "En ocasiones hago gimnasia con las palabras". Insula. Revista de Letras y Ciencias Humanas. 603-604, 21.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Fish, Stanley. 1980. Is There a Text in This Class? The Authority of Interpretative Communities. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Fisher-Wirth, Ann and Street, Laura-Gray, eds. 2013. The Ecopoetry Anthology, Trinity University Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Flatt, Michael. 2019. Post-Digital Poetics. Dissertation. Buffalo, New York: The State University of New York.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Flusser, Vilém. 2018. Filosofia da Caixa Preta. São Paulo: É Realizações.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Fohrmann, Jürgen. 1996. “Lyrik.” In Bürgerlicher Realismus und Gründerzeit, edited by Edward McInnes and Gerhard Plumpe, 394–461. München: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Fontanier, Pierre. 1977. Les figures du discours [1821/1827]. Introduction par Gérard Genette. Paris: Flammarion.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Foucault, Michel. 2000. “Was ist ein Autor?” In Texte zur Theorie der Autorschaft, edited by Fotis Jannidis, Gerhard Lauer, Matías Martínez and Simone Winko, 198–229. Stuttgart: Reclam.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Foucault, Michel. 2001. “Qu’est-ce qu’un auteur? In Michel Foucault: Dits et Écrits. 1954–1988. Vol 1: 1954–1975, edited by Daniel Defert, François Ewald and Jacques Lagrange, 817–849. Paris: Quarto Gallimard.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Fowler, Alastair. 1979. “Genre and the Literary Canon.” New Literary History 11, no. 1: 97–119.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Frank, Joseph. 1991. The Idea of Spatial Form. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Freeman, Margaret H. 2020. The Poem as Icon. A Study on Aesthetic Cognition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Freeman, Margaret. 2020. The Poem as Icon: A Study in Aesthetic Cognition. Oxford University Press.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Freise, Matthias. 2013. “Textbezogene Modelle: Ästhetische Qualität als Maßstab der Kanonbildung”. In Handbuch Kanon und Wertung, edited by Gabriele Rippl and Simone Winko, 50–58. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Friedman, Ken. 2016. “50 y tantos años de Fluxus”. Translated by Aridela Trejo. In Cuaderno de ejercicios. Eventos, acciones y performances, edited by Ken Friedman, Owen Smith and Lauren Sawchyn, 11–54. México: Tumbona.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Friedrich, Hugo. 1956. Die Struktur der modernen Lyrik: Von Baudelaire bis zur Gegenwart. Hamburg: Rowohlt.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Fumaroli, Marc. 1980. L’Âge de l’éloquence: Rhétorique et “res literaria” de la Renaissance au seuil de l'époque classique. Geneva: Droz.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Funkhouser, Chris. 2012. New Directions in Digital Poetry. New York: Continuum.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Funkhouser, Chris. T. 2007. Prehistoric Digital Poetry. An Archeology of Forms, 1959–1995. Tuscalosa, University of Alabama Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media / Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
GGabrieloni, Ana Lía. 2008. Écfrasis. Eadem Utraque Europa 4, no 6: 83–108.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Gainza, Carolina. 2018. Narrativas y poéticas digitales en América Latina: producción literaria en el capitalismo informacional. Santiago de Chile: Centro De Cultura Digital: Editorial Cuarto Propio.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Gamboni, Dario, and Libero Gamboni. 2020. Le Musée comme expérience. Paris: Hazan.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Gander, Forrest and John Kinsella. 2012. Redstart. An Ecological Poetics. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Gardes-Tamine, Joëlle. 2011. Pour une Nouvelle Théorie des figures. Paris: PUF.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Garnier, Pierre. 1968. Spatialisme et Poésie Concrète. Paris: Gallimard.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Gaur, Albertine. 1992. A History of Writing. New York: Cross River Press.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Génetiot, Alain. 2015. “La Poésie (XVIIe–XVIIIe siècle).” In Histoire de la France littéraire, vol. 2: Classicisme XVIIe–XVIIIe siècle, 4th edition, edited by Jean-Charles Darmon and Michel Delon, 587–628. Paris: PUF.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Genette, Gérard and Marie Maclean. 1991. “Introduction to the paratext.” New Literary History, Vol. 22, No. 2: 261–272.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Genette, Gérard. 1966. Figures I. Paris: Seuil.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Genette, Gérard. 1970. “La rhétorique restreinte.” Communications 16: 158–171.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Genette, Gérard. 1971. “Langage poétique, poétique du langage”. In Essays in Semiotics/Essais de sémiotique, edited by Julia Kristeva, Josette Rey-Debove and Donna Jean Umiker, 423–446. The Hague and Paris: Mouton.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Genette, Gérard. 1976. Mimologiques: Voyage en Cratylie. Paris: Seuil.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Genette, Gérard. 1979. Introduction à l'architexte. Paris : Éditions du Seuil.
Genette, Gérard. 1982. Palimpsestes. La litérature au second degré. Paris: Seuil.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Genette, Gérard. 1994. L’œuvre de l’art. Paris: Seuil. 2 vol.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Genette, Gérard. 1997 [1994]. The Work of Art. Immanence and Transcendence. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Genette, Gérard. 1997. Paratexts. Thresholds of interpretation. Translated by Jane E. Lewin. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. [Original: Seuils. Paris 1987.]
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Gerstenbräun-Krug, Martin. 2018. “Paradigma Paratextualität. Einsichten und Aussichten. Zum Potential eines paratextuellen Forschungsansatzes für die Beschreibung moderner Autorschaft.” In Paratextuelle Politik und Praxis. Interdependenzen von Werk und Autorschaft, edited by Martin Gerstenbräun-Krug and Nadja Reinhard, 53–70. Wien: Böhlau.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Gifford, Terry. 1995. Green Voices: Understanding Contemporary Nature Poetry. Manchester: University of Manchester Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Gifford, Terry. 1999. Pastoral. London: Routledge.
Glinoer, Anthony, and Vincent Laisney. 2013. L’Âge des cénacles. Paris: Fayard.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Gnüg, Hiltrud, ed. 2013. Gespräch über Bäume. Moderne deutsche Naturlyrik. Stuttgart: Reclam.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von and Johann Peter Eckermann. 1930. Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von and Johann Peter Eckermann. 1930. Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co.
Goldsmith, Kenneth. 2011. Uncreative Writing: Managing Language in the Digital Age. New York: Columbia University Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media / Mediality and Materiality of Lyric / Producer of Lyric
Goldsmith, Kenneth. 2019. Duchamp is my lawyer. The Polemics, Pragmatics, and Poetics of UbuWeb. Columbia University Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Goldsmith, Kenneth. 2020. Duchamp is My Lawyer, New York: Columbia University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Gombrich, Ernst. 1960. Art and Illusion. A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Gomringer, Eugen. 1997. Theorie der konkreten Poesie. Text und Manifeste 1954–1997. Wien: Spliter.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Goodbody, Axel. 2014. “Ecocritical Theory : Romantic Roots and Impulses from Twentieth- Century European Thinkers.Westling, Louise (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Literature and the Environment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 61–74.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Goodman, Nelson. 1968. Languages of Art. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Grabes, Herbert. 2013. “Literaturgeschichten.” In Handbuch Kanon und Wertung, edited by Gabriele Rippl und Simone Winko, 172–178. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Gräbner, Cornelia, and Arturo Casas. 2011. Performing Poetry. Body, Place and Rhythm in the Poetry Performance. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Gracián, Baltasar. 1969. Agudeza y arte de ingenio, edited by Evaristo Correa Calderón. 2 vols. Madrid: Castalia.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Graczyk, Annette. 2004. “Naturlyrik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ein kritischer Literaturbericht.” Zeitschrift für Germanistik. Vol.14(3), 614–618.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Graff, Max. 2019. “Weltkrieg und Revolution als Epochenzäsuren? Beobachtungen zu Paratexte. deutschsprachiger Lyrik-Anthologien um 1920.” Literaturstraße 20, No. 1: 43–60.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Grafton, Anthony. 2009. Worlds Made by Words. Scholarship and Community in the Scholar West. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Greber, Erika. 2008. “Text und Paratext als Paartext. Sibylle Schwarz und ihr Herausgeber.” In Die Pluralisierung des Paratextes in der Frühen Neuzeit. Theorie, Formen, Funktionen, edited by Frieder von Ammon and Herfried Vögel, 19–43. Berlin: LIT.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Grigar, Dene, and Stuart Moulthrop. 2017. Traversals The Use of Preservation for Early Electronic Writing. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Großens, Peter. 2016. “Lyrikedition.” In: Handbuch Lyrik. Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte, edited by Dieter Lamping, 298–308. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Grosser, Hermann. 1992. La sottigliezza del disputare. Teorie degli stili e teorie dei generi in età rinascimentale e nel Tasso. Firenze: La Nuova Italia.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Grübel, Rainer. 2013. “Formalistische und strukturalistische Theorien literarischen Wertes und die Werttheorie Bachtins”. In Handbuch Kanon und Wertung, edited by Gabriele Rippl and Simone Winko, 25–32. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Grutman, Rainier. 1997. Des langues qui résonnent. L’hétérolinguisme au XIXe siècle québécois, Québec, Fides.
Guarini, Alessandro. 1611. Varie compositioni Raccolte in diverse materie del Signor Alessandro Guarini. Ferrara: per Vittorio Baldini, Stampator Camerale.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Guasti, Cesare, ed. 1875. Le prose diverse di Torquato Tasso. 2 vols. Firenze: Le Monnier.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Guillory, John. 1993. Cultural Capital the Problem of Literary Canon Formation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich. 1986. “Schwindende Stabilität der Wirklichkeit. Eine Geschichte des Stilbegriffs.” In Stil: Geschichte und Funktionen eines kulturwissenschaftlichen Diskurselements, edited by Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht and K. Ludwig Pfeiffer, 726–788. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich. 2003 “Stil.” In Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft, new edition, vol. 3, edited by Klaus Weimar, Harald Fricke and Jan-Dirk Müller, 509–513. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
HHamburger, Käte. 1994. Die Logik der Dichtung. 4. Aufl. ed. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Häntzschel, Günter. 1982. “Lyrik und Lyrik-Markt in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts.” Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur 7:199–246.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Häntzschel, Günter. 1997. Die deutschsprachigen Lyrikanthologien 1840–1914. Sozialgeschichte der Lyrik des 19. Jahrhunderts. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Hartley, Daniel. 2020. “Style.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature. Accessed on 26 July 2023.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Hayles, N. Katherine. 2002. Writing Machines. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media / Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Hayles, N. Katherine. 2008. Electronic Literature: New Horizons for the Literary. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media / Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Hayles, N. Katherine. 2009. Literatura eletrônica. Novos horizontes para o literario. São Paulo: Global Editora.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Hayles, N. Katherine. 2010. “How We Read: Close, Hyper, Machine.” ADE Bulletin. 150: 62–79
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Häntzschel, Günter. 2000. “Naturlyrik.” In Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft, Harald Fricke, Klaus Grubmüller, Jan-Dirk Müller, and Klaus Weimar (eds.). Berlin: de Gruyter. 2, 691–693.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Heffernan, James A. W. 1991. "Ekphrasis and Representation". New Literary History 22, no 2: 297–316.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Heffernan, James A. W. 1993. Museum of Words. The Poetics of Ekphrasis from Homer to Ashbery. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. 1999. Vorlesungen über die Ästhetik III. In Werke [20 volumes]. New edition on the basis of Werke from 1832–1845, edited by Eva Moldenhauer and Karl Markus Michel. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices / Producer of Lyric
Heilbron, Johan. 2009. “Le système mondial des traductions” (pp. 253–274), trad. Anaïs Bokobza, en Sapiro, Gisèle (dir.), Les contradictions de la globalisation éditoriale, Paris, Nouveau Monde.
Heise, Ursula K. 2012. “Environment and Poetry.” In The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, Roland Greene, Stephen Cushman, Clare Cavanagh, Jahan Ramazani, and Paul Rouzer (eds.). Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press, 437–438.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Helgesson, Stefan, and Pieter Vermeulen, eds. 2016. Institutions of World Literature: Writing, Translation, Markets. New York: Routledge.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Hempfer, Klaus W. 2003. “Schreibweise2.” In Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft, new edition, vol. 3, edited by Klaus Weimar, Harald Fricke and Jan-Dirk Müller, 391–393. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Hempfer, Klaus W. 2014. Lyrik. Skizze einer systematischen Theorie. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Herrmann, Leonhard. 2007. “Kanon als System. Kanondebatte und Kanonmodelle in der Literaturwissenschaft.“ In Die Bildung des Kanons. Textuelle Faktoren, kulturelle Funktionen, ethische Praxis, edited by Lothar Ehrlich, Judith Schildt, Benjamin Specht, 21–41. Köln, Weimar and Wien: Böhlau.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Heydebrand, Renate von, and Simone Winko. 1996. Einführung in die Wertung von Literatur. Systematik, Geschichte, Legitimation. Paderborn: Schöningh.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Heydebrand, Renate von. 1998. “Kanon Macht Kultur. Versuch einer Zusammenfassung.” In Kanon Macht Kultur. Theoretische, historische und soziale Aspekte ästhetischer Kanonbildungen, edited by id., 612–625. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Higgins, Dick (ed.) 1986. Pattern Poetry: A Symposium. Special Issue, Visible Language XX, 1.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Higgins, Dick. 1965. «Synesthesia and Intersenses: Intermedia», Something Else Newsletter, n.1.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Highasi Díaz, Alejandro 2016. “Consecuencias cognitivas de la intervención editorial en la poesía mexicana contemporánea”, Valenciana, 18, 35–66.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Hillebrandt, Claudia. 2019. “In der Motto-Kiste. Zum Funktionsspektrum von Lyrik im Umfeld von Erzähltexten mit einer Analyse zu Theodor Fontanes Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg.” In Lyrikologie: Band 1. Lyrisches Ich, Textsubjekt, Sprecher? Grundfragen eines Forschungsfeldes, edited by Claudia Hillebrandt, Sonja Klimek, Ralph Müller, and Rüdiger Zymner, 159–176. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Hinck, Walter. 1985. Das Gedicht als Spiegel der Dichter. Zur Geschichte des deutschen poetologischen Gedichts. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Hirsch, E. D. 1967. Validity in Interpretation. New Haven, London: Yale University Press.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Hirschi, Stéphane, Corinne Legoy, Serge Linarès, Alexandra Saemmer, and Alain Vaillant, eds. 2017. La poésie délivrée. Paris Nanterre: Presses Universitaires.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Hitchcock, Peter. 2020. “Canons and Canonicity in Anglophone Literature.” In Handbook of Anglophone World Literatures, edited by Stefan Helgesson, Birgit Neumann and Gabriele Rippl, 245–262. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Hoffmann, Torsten, and Daniela Langer. 2007. “Autor.” In Handbuch Literaturwissenschaft, vol. 1, edited by Thomas Anz, 131–170. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Horatius Flaccus, Quitus. 2008. De Arte Poetica. In Opera, edited by Friedrich Klinger. Berlin: de Gryuter.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Horstkotte, Silke y Pedri, Nanci. 2008. «Introduction: Photographic interventions», Poetics Today, 29 (1). 1–29.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Huidobro, Vicente 1976 (1914). “Manifiestos: Non Serviam.” In Obras completas de Vicente Huidobro. 715-716. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Andrés Bello.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Hulme, T. E. 1987 [1924]. Speculations: Essays on Humanism and the Philosophy of Art, edited by Herbert Read. London and New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Huss, Bernhard, Florian Mehltretter, and Gerhard Regn. 2012. Lyriktheorie(n) der italienischen Renaissance. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Huss, Bernhard. 2020. “Antonio Sebastiano Minturno between Poetry and Poetics: The Rime and the Arte Poetica.” In Italian Studies 75, no. 3: 257–275. Accessed 10 July 2024.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Hutnikiewicz, Artur. 1988. Od czystej formy do literatury faktu. Główne teorie i programy literackie XX wieku [From Pure Form to Literature of the Factual. Main literary theories and programmes of the 20th century]. 5th edition. Warszawa : Wiedza Powszechna.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
IIssou, Isidore. 1947. Introduction à une nouvelle poésie et à une nouvelle musique. Paris : Gallimard.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Italia, Paola, and Giulia Raboni. 2010. Che cos’è la filologia d’autore. Roma: Carocci.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
JJackson, K. David; Vos, Eric and Drucker, Johanna (eds.) 1996. Experimental - Visual - Concrete: Avant-Garde Poetry since the 1960s. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Jackson, Virginia. 2012. “Lyric.” In The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, edited by Roland Greene, Stephen Cushman, Clare Cavanagh, Jahan Ramazani and Paul Rouzer, 826–834. Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Jackson-Houlston, Caroline Mary. 2008. “An End of an Old Song? The Paratexts of the Waverley Novels and Reference to Traditional Song.” Working with English 4, No. 1: 1–18.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Jakobson, Roman. 1960. “Closing Statement. Linguistics and Poetics.” In Style in Language, edited by Thomas A. Sebeok, 350–377. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley & M.I.T.-Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices / Producer of Lyric
Jakobson, Roman. 1981. “Poetry of grammar and grammar of poetry (1968)” In Selected Writings, Vol. III, 87–97. The Hague: Mouton Publishers.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Jakobson. Roman. 1921. Novejšaja russkaja poėzija : nabrosok pervyj [The Newest Russian Poetry. Sketch One]. Praha: Tipografija Politika. [German translation in Stempel, Wolf-Dieter, and Inge Paulmann, 1972. „Die neueste russische Poesie. Erster Entwurf. Viktor Chlebnikov“, 19-135.]
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
James, David, ed. 2020. Modernism and Close Reading. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Jannidis, Fotis, Gerhard Lauer, Matías Martínez, and Simone Winko, eds. 1999. Rückkehr des Autors. Zur Erneuerung eines umstrittenen Begriffs. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Jannidis, Fotis. 2013. “Literaturgeschichten.” In Handbuch Kanon und Wertung, edited by Gabriele Rippl and Simone Winko, 159–167. Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Jenny, Laurent. 1990. La Parole singulière. Paris: Belin.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Joyce, Michael. 2001. Othermindedness. The Emergence of Networked Culture. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Jullier, Laurent. 2018. “Médium ou média? Film ou cinéma? Medium or Media? Film or Cinema?” Cinémas 29, no. 1: 13–31.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
KKac, Eduardo, ed. 2007. Media Poetry. An International Anthology, edited by Eduardo Kac. Chicago: Intellect Books/The University of Chicago Press.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Kac, Eduardo, ed. 2007. Media Poetry. An International Anthology. Bristol: Intellect.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Kac, Eduardo. 2007. “Biopoetry”. In Media Poetry. An International Anthology, edited by Eduardo Kac, 191–196. Chicago: Intellect Books/The University of Chicago Press.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Kac, Eduardo. 2007. “Introduction”. In Eduardo Kac (ed.), Media Poetry: An International Anthology. Bristol: Intellect Books, 7–10.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Kayser, Wolfgang. 1992 [1948]. Das sprachliche Kunstwerk: Eine Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft. 20th edition. Tübingen and Basel: Francke.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Keller, Lynn. 2017. Recomposing Ecopoetics: North American Poetry of the Self-Conscious Anthropocene. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Kemper, Hans-Georg. 1987. Deutsche Lyrik der frühen Neuzeit. Vol. 1 and vol. 2. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Key, James Park. 2011. “Mestizaje and the Lyric Subject: Paratexts, Texts, and Contexts in the Poetry of Jaime Luis Huenún Villa. Romance Notes 51, No. 1: 107–117.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Kiesel, Helmuth. 2004. Die Geschichte der literarischen Moderne: Sprache, Ästhetik, Dichtung im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert. München: Beck.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Kindt, Tom, and Hans-Harald Müller. 2006. The Implied Author. Concept and Controversy. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
King, Martina. 2009. Pilger und Prophet. Heilige Autorschaft bei Rainer Maria Rilke. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Kirschenbaum, Mathew. 2008. Mechanisms. New media and the forensic imagination. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Kittler, Friedrich. 1999. Gramophon, Film, Typewriter. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Kleinschmidt, Erich. 1997. “Autor.” In Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft, new edition, edited by Harald Fricke, Klaus Grubmüller, Jan-Dirk Müller and Klaus Weimar, 176–180. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Kleinschmidt, Erich. 2008. “Gradationen der Autorschaft. Zu einer Theorie paratextueller Intensität.” In Die Pluralisierung des Paratextes in der Frühen Neuzeit. Theorie, Formen, Funktionen, edited by Frieder von Ammon and Herfried Vögel, 1–17. Berlin: LIT.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Klimek, Sonja. 2019. “Lyrik und Autobiographik. Zur Funktion von Orts- und Zeitangaben in den Peritexten von Gedichten.” In Lyrikologie: Band 1. Lyrisches Ich, Textsubjekt, Sprecher? Grundfragen eines Forschungsfeldes, edited by Claudia Hillebrandt, Sonja Klimek, Ralph Müller, and Rüdiger Zymner, 177–206. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Klimek, Sonja. 2019. “Vorüberlegungen zu einer Theorie der (Schrift-)Bildlichkeit von Lyrik.” In Schrift und Graphisches im Vergleich, edited by Linda Simonis, Monika Schmitz-Emans , 407–420. Bielefeld: Aisthesis.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Knickerbocker, Scott. 2012. Ecopoetics: the Language of Nature, the Nature of Language. Boston, MA: U. Mass Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Kohl, Katrin. 2016. “Die Medialität der Lyrik.” Handbuch Lyrik. Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte, edited by Dieter Lamping, 180–192. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Konyves, Tom. 2012. “Videopoetry: A Manifesto”, Critical Inquiry.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Koolen, Cornelia W. 2018. Reading beyond the female: The relationship between perception of author gender and literary quality. Dissertation Amsterdam.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Kopisch, Wendy A. 2012. Naturlyrik im Zeichen der ökologischen Krise: Begrifflichkeit, Rezeption, Kontexte. (Diss. Kassel 2012).
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Köppe, Tilmann, and Simone Winko. 2007. “Theorien und Methoden der Literaturwissenschaft.” In Handbuch der Literaturwissenschaft. Vol. 2: Methoden und Theorien, edited by Thomas Anz, 285–369. Stuttgart, Weimar: Metzler.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Korecka, Magdalena Elisabeth. 2023. “Platformized Visual Intimacies: Visibility in Feminist Instapoetry.” In Poetry and Contemporary Visual Culture / Lyrik und zeitgenössische Visuelle Kultur, edited by Magdalena Elisabeth Korecka and Wiebke Vorrath, 121–144. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Korte, Barbara, Ralf Schneider, and Stephanie Lethbridge, eds. 2000. Anthologies of British Poetry: Critical Perspectives from Literary and Cultural Studies. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Korte, Barbara. 2000., “Flowers for the Picking. Anthologies of Poetry in (British) Literary and Cultural Studies.” In Anthologies of British Poetry: Critical Perspectives from Literary and Cultural Studies, edited by Barbara Korte, Ralf Schneider and Stephanie Lethbridge, 1–32. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Korte, Hermann. 2004a. Deutschsprachige Lyrik seit 1945. 2nd edition. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Korte, Hermann. 2004b. Zurückgekehrt in den Raum der Gedichte: Deutschsprachige Lyrik der 1990er: Mit einer Auswahlbiographie. Münster. LIT.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Kostelanetz, Richard. 1980. “Text-Sound Art: A Survey”. In Richard Kostelanetz (ed.), Text-Sound Texts. New York: William Morrow & Company, 14–23.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Kozak, Claudia. 2004. Contra la pared. Sobre graffitis, pintadas y otras intervenciones urbanas. Buenos Aires: Libros del Rojas.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Kozak, Claudia. 2012. “Poésie numérique et politiques d’événement.” In Pratiques du hasard. Pour un matérialisme de la rencontre, edited by Jonathan Pollock, 165–178. Perpignan : Presses Universitaires de Perpignan.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Kozak, Claudia. 2015. “Literatura digital y materialidad. Cómo se lee”. Artnodes 15: 90–98.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Kozak, Claudia. 2016. “Tecnopoesía experimental en Argentina: recorridos y lecturas”. In Luis Correa-Díaz y Scott Weintraub (eds.), (2016): Poesía y poéticas digitales / electrónicas / tecnos / new-media en América Latina. Bogotá: Universidad Central, Uni
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Kozak, Claudia. 2017. “La literatura expandida en el dominio digital” El taco en la brea 4, 6: 220–245.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Kozak, Claudia. 2020. “Experimental Electronic Literature from the Souths. A Political Contribution to Critical and Creative Digital Humanities.” Electronic Book Review (ebr), January 3, pp 1-22.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Kozak, Claudia. 2021. “La poésie numérique vue depuis l’Amérique Latine: théorie, histoire, critique”. Traducción de Antonio Rodríguez. Théories du Lyric. Lyrical Valley, 3, Université de Laussane.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Kress, Gunther, and Theo Van Leeuwen. 2021. "Reading Images." 3rd edition. The Grammar of Visual Design. New York: Routledge.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Krieger, Murray. 1991. Ekphrasis. The Illusion of the Natural Sign. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Krummacher, Hans-Henrik. 2013. Lyra: Studien zur Theorie und Geschichte der Lyrik vom 16. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices / Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Kwiatkowski, Jerzy. 2000. Dwudziestolecie międzywojenne [The Interwar Period]. Warszawa: PWN.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
LLabarre, Nicolas. 2021. « Poetry in comics, poetry comics », HAL. Sience Ouverte. La connaissance libre et partagée. Bordeaux-Montaigne.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Lachmann, Renate. 1970. “Die ‘Verfremdung’ und das ‘Neue Sehen’ bei Viktor Šklovskij.” Poetica 3: 226–249.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Laisney, Vincent. 2018. En lisant, én écoutant, Bruxelles : Les Impressions Nouvelles.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Lamarque, Peter. 2009. The Philosophy of Literature. Malden, Oxford: Blackwell.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Lamarque, Peter. 2024. “Semantic Finegrainedness and Poetic Value.” POEMA 2: 39–55.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Landow, George P. 2006. Hypertext 3.0. Critical Theory and New Media in an Era of Globalization. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Lang, Abigail, Michel Murat, and Céline Pardo. 2019. Archives sonores de la poésie. Paris: Presses du réel.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Lanham, Richard A. 1993. The Electronic World: Democracy, Technology, and the Arts. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Larsen, Peter Stein. 2021. “From Book Poetry to Digital Poetry.” Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik 2: Contemporary Lyric Poetry in Transitions between Genres and Media, edited by Ralph Müller and Henrieke Stahl: 227–247.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Lausberg, Heinrich. 1990a. Handbuch der literarischen Rhetorik: Eine Grundlegung der Literaturwissenschaft. 3rd edition. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Lausberg, Heinrich. 1990b. Elemente der literarischen Rhetorik: Eine Einführung für Studierende der klassischen, romanischen, englischen und deutschen Philologie. 10th edition. München: Hueber.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Leavis, Frank R. 1936. Revaluation: Tradition and Development in English Poetry. London: Chatto & Windus.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Leech, Geoffrey N. 1991. A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry. London: Longman.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Lehmann, Johannes F. 2022. “Genie und Autorschaft.” In Grundthemen der Literaturwissenschaft: Autorschaft, edited by Michael Wetzel, 259–276. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Leibovici, Franck. 2020. Des opérations d'écriture qui ne disent pas leur nom. [Paris]: Questions théoriques.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Lentricchia, Frank and Andrew DuBois, eds. 2002. Close Reading: The Reader. Durham and London: Duke University Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. 1969. Laocoon. Translated by Ellen Frothingham. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Lethbridge, Stefanie. 2013. “Anthologien”. In Handbuch Kanon und Wertung, edited by Gabriele Rippl and Simone Winko, 179–182. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Lethbridge, Stephanie. 2014. Lyrik in Gebrauch: Gedichtanthologien in der englischen Druckkultur 1557–2007. Heidelberg: Winter.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Levine, Caroline. 2015. Forms: Whole, Rhythm, Hierarchy, Network. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Link, Jürgen. 1998. “Hölderlin – eine Kanonisierung ohne Ort?” In Kanon Macht Kultur. Theoretische, historische und soziale Aspekte ästhetischer Kanonbildungen, edited by Renate von Heydebrand, 383–395. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Lipking, Lawrence. 2012. “Poet.” In The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, edited by Roland Greene, Stephen Cushman, Clare Cavanagh, Jahan Ramazani, and Paul Rouzer, 1048–1051. Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Lough, James. 2018. “This Is Your Brain In Words. The Neurological Fruits of Literary Surprise”. In James Lough y Alex Stein (eds.), Short Circuits. Aphorisms, Fragments and Literary Anomalies. Tucson, Arizona: Schaffner Press. 5–26.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Louvel, Liliane. 2011. Poetics of the Iconotext. Surrey: Ashgate.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
MMadsen, Deborah L. 1999. “Beyond the Commonwealth. Post-Colonialism and American Literature.” In Post-Colonial Literatures. Expanding the Canon, edited by id., 1–13. London: Pluto Press.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Maira, Daniel. 2002. “The title of Ronsard’s Amours (1552) in its editorial and literary context.” Bibliotheque d’Humanisme et Renaissance 64, No. 3: 653–668.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Mallarmé, Stéphane. 2003. “Crise de Vers.” In Œuvres complètes, vol. 2, edited by Betrand Marchal. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 239–252. Paris: Gallimard.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices / Producer of Lyric
Mani, Veena. 2022. “Poets of Circumstances: Love, Trauma and Death in Digital Poetry”, South Asian Review, 43(1-2), 121–131.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Mann, Jenny C. 2016. “Scheme.” In The Princeton Handbook of Poetic Terms, edited by Roland Greene and Stephen Cushman, 319–320. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Manovich, Lev. 2001. The Language of New Media. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Marinho Lares, Leandro and Andréa Portolomeos. 2024. “Imagem e(m) verso: um teste de resistores na poesia brasileira contemporânea”, Revista Investigações, 37(1), 1–23.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Martens, Gunther. 2004. “Autor – Autorisation – Authentizität. Terminologische Überlegungen zu drei Grundbegriffen der Editionsphilologie.” In Autor – Autorisation – Authentizität. Beiträge der Internationalen Fachtagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für germanistische Edition [...], edited by Thomas Bein, Rüdiger Nutt-Kofoth and Bodo Plachta. Editio 21. 39–50. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Martus, Steffen, Stefan Scherer, and Claudia Stockinger, eds. 2005. Lyrik im 19. Jahrhundert. Gattungspoetik als Reflexionsmedium der Kultur. Vol. 11. Frankfurt: Lang.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Martus, Steffen. 2007. Werkpolitik. Zur Literaturgeschichte kritischer Kommunikation vom 17. bis ins 20. Jahrhundert. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Marx, William. 2002. Naissance de la critique moderne: La littérature selon Eliot et Valéry: 1889–1945. Arras: Artois Presses Université.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Mathieu-Castellani, Gisèle. 1984. “Les modes du discours lyrique au XVIe siècle”. In La Notion de Genre à la Renaissance, edited by Guy Demerson, 129–148. Geneva: Slatkine.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Matrona, Kasey Jones. 2024. “Creating Collaborative Digital Poetic Worlds in the Video Poetry of Heid Erdrich and Kathy Jetñil-Kijiner”. In Taryne Jade Taylor, Isiah Lavender G. L. Dillon and Bodhisattava Chattopadhyay (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Cofuturisms. New York: Routledge, 66–76.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Maulpoix, Jean-Michel. 2000. Du lyrisme. Paris: Corti.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Maulpoix, Jean-Michel. 2006. “Enonciation et élévation. Deux remarques sur le lyrisme.” In Lyrisme et énonciation lyrique, edited by Nathalie Watteyne, 29–37. Québec: Éditions Nota Bene, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Mazaleyrat, Jean and Georges Molinié. 1989. Vocabulaire de la stylistique. Paris: PUF.
Mazzoni, Guido. 2005. Sulla poesia moderna. Bologna: Mulino.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices / Producer of Lyric
Mazzoni, Guido. 2022. On Modern Poetry. Translated by Zakiya Hanafi. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: The Belknap press of Harvard University Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
McCabe, Susan. 2005. Cinematic Modernism. Modernist Poetry and Film. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
McGann, Jerome. 1993. Black Riders: The Visible Language of Modernism. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
McLuhan, Marshall. 1962. The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
McLuhan, Marshall. 1964. Understanding Media. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
McLuhan, Marshall. 1967. The Medium is the Message. New York: Random House.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Meizoz, Jérôme. 2007. Postures littéraires. Mises en scène modernes de l’auteur. Genève: Slatkine.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Melo e Castro, Ernesto M. de. 2007. “Videopoetry”. In Eduardo Kac (ed.), Media Poetry: An International Anthology. Bristol: Intellect Books. 175–184.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media / Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Mencía, María. 2011. New Media ArtPoetry: A Reflection on Practice. Naples: Atelier Multimediale edizione.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Mengaldo, Pier Vincenzo. 2001. Prima lezione di stilistica. Bari and Roma: Laterza.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Mengaldo, Pier Vincenzo. 2018. Com’è la poesia. Roma: Carocci.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Meyer-Kalkus, Reinhart. 2020. Geschichte der literarischen Vortragskunst. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Miller, Nancy. 1993. “Changing the Subject. Authorship, Writing and the Reader.” In What is an author?, edited by Maurice Biriotti and Nicola Miller, 19–41. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Minnis, Alastair J. 1984. Medieval Theory of Authorship. Scholastic Literary Attitudes in the Later Middle Ages. London: Scolar Press.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Minturno, Antonio. 1559. De poeta, ad Hectorem Pignatellum Vibonensium, libri sex. Venedig: Franciscus Rampazetus. Accessed September 3, 2024.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Minturno, Antonio. 1564. L’Arte Poetica. [Venezia]: Valvassori.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Mirzoeff, Nicholas, ed. 2004. The Visual Culture Reader. New York: Routledge.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Mitchell, William J. T. 1981. “Diagrammatology.” Critical Inquiry 7, no.3: 622–633.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Mitchell, William J. T. 1986. Iconology. Image, Text, Ideology. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Mitchell, William J. T. 1994. Picture Theory. Essays on Verbal and Visual Representation. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Mitchell, William J. T. 2015. Image Science. Iconology, Visual Culture and Media Aesthetics. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Moennighoff, Burkhard. 2000. Goethes Gedichttitel. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Moennighoff, Burkhard. 2003. “Paratext.” In Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft, new edition, vol. 3, edited by Klaus Weimar, Harald Fricke and Jan-Dirk Müller, 22–23. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Moennighoff, Burkhard. 2008. “Die Künst des literarischen Schenkens. Über einige Widmungsregeln im barocken Buch.” In Die Pluralisierung des Paratextes in der Frühen Neuzeit. Theorie, Formen, Funktionen, edited by Frieder von Ammon and Herfried Vögel, 337–352. Berlin: LIT.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Molina Huete, Belén; Vicente Luis Mora and Rocío Peñalta Catalán. 2019. “Poesía digital: ciberretórica y creación poética en español”. In Sara Robles Ávila y Antonio Moreno-Ortiz (coords.), Comunicación mediada por ordenador: la lengua, el discurso y la imagen.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Molinié, Georges. 1996. “Style et littérarité.” Littératures classiques 28: 69–74.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Molinié, Georges. 2008. La stylistique. Paris: PUF.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Monegal, Antonio (coord). 2000. Literatura y pintura. Madrid: Arco/Libros.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Mora, Vicente Luis. 2012. El lectoespectador. Barcelona: Seix Barral.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Mora, Vicente Luis. 2022. “La erosión digital como problema para la lectura crítica de literatura contemporánea”. Álabe 26.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Moretti, Franco. 1997. Atlante del romanzo europeo: 1800–1900, Torino: Einaudi.
Morier, Henri. 1998. Dictionnaire de poétique et de rhétorique. 5th edition. Paris: PUF.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Mortara Garavelli, Bice. 2010. Il parlar figurato: Manualetto di figure retoriche. Bari and Roma: Laterza.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Morton, Timothy. 2007. Ecology Without Nature: Rethinking Environmental Aesthetics. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Motta, Uberto. 2020. Lingua mortal non dice: Guida alla lettura del testo poetico. Roma: Carocci.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Mougin, Pascal, ed. 2017. La Tentation littéraire de l’art contemporain. Dijon: Les Presses du réel.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Mufti, Aamir R. 2015. Forget English! Orientalisms and World Literatures. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Müller, Ralph. 2021. “Autor, abstrakter Autor und Adressant in der Lyrik. Oder: Wer findet schon Sonette beschissen?” In Autor und Subjekt im Gedicht. Positionen, Perspektiven und Praktiken heute, edited by Peter Geist, Friederike Reents and Henrieke Stahl, 71–93. Berlin: Metzler.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Müller, Ralph. 2023. “Rhetorik und Ästhetik der Print- und Plakatwerbung.” In Handbuch Werberhetorik, edited by Nina Janich, Steffen Pappert and Kersten Sven Roth, 285–304. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Müller, Wolfgang G. 2016. “Die Sprache der Lyrik.” In Handbuch Lyrik: Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte, edited by Dieter Lamping, 119–127. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Müller-Zettelmann, Eva. 2000. Lyrik und Metalyrik. Theorie einer Gattung und ihrer Selbstbespiegelung anhand von Beispielen aus der englisch- und deutschsprachigen Dichtkunst. Heidelberg: Winter.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Murphet, Julian. 2016. “Medium.” In Literature Now, edited by Sascha Bru, Ben De Bruy, and Michel Delville, 46–58. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Mustatea, Kat. 2023. Voidopolis. Boston: MIT Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Mütherig, Vera. 2015. “‘Das Ohr ist klüger als das Gedicht.’ Autoren-Lesung als Form akustischer Literatur: Paratextuelle Rahmungsstrategien im Medium Hörbuch.” In Dichtung für die Ohren, edited by Britta Herrmann, 255–271. Berlin: Vorwerk 8.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
NNachtergael, Magali. 2020. Poet against the Machine. Marseille: Les mots et le reste.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media / Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Navas Ocaña, Isabel. 2020. “Las escritoras en el canon de la literatura digital en español”, Studia Neophilologica, 92(3), 337–360.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Neuhaus, Stefan. 2011. “Der Autor als Marke. Strategien der Personalisierung im Literaturbetrieb.” Wirkendes Wort 2: 313–328.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Nicholls, Angus. 2011. “Between natural and human science. Scientific method in Goethe’s ‘Noten und Abhandlungen zum West-östlichen Divan’.” Publications of the English Goethe Society 80, no. 1: 1–18.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Nilson, Geoffrey. 2020. “‘It was always what was under the poetry that mattered.’ Reading the Paratext in Once in Blockadia by Stephen Collis.” Canadian Literature / Littérature canadienne 242: 80–100.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Novak, Julia. 2011. Live Poetry. An Integrated Approach to Poetry in Performance. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media / Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Nuernberger, Kathryn and Maya Jewell Zeller. 2024. Advance Poetry. A Writer’s Guide and Anthology. London: Bloomsbury.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Nykvist, Karin. 2023. “Here, There, Everywhere: Situating Contemporary Multimodal Poetry.” In Poetry and Contemporary Visual Culture / Lyrik und zeitgenössische Visuelle Kultur, edited by Magdalena Elisabeth Korecka and Wiebke Vorrath, 25–48. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
OObalk, Hector 2001. Andy Warhol n'est pas un grand artiste. Paris: Flammarion.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Ong, Walter J. 1982. Orality and Literacy. The Technologizing of the Word. New York: Methuen.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media / Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Ong, Walter J. 1982. Orality and literacy. The Technologizing of the Word. New York: Routledge.
Ong, Walter J. 1985. Orality and literacy. The technologizing of the word. London, New York: Methuen.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Opitz, Martin. 1977 [1624]. Buch von der Deutschen Poeterey, edited by Cornelius Sommer. Stuttgart: Reclam.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Orphal, Stephanie. 2014. Poesiefilme. Lyrik im audiovisuellen Medium. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry / Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Otto, Walter F. 1956. Die Musen und der göttliche Urprung des Singens und Sagens. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
PPaefgen, Elisabeth. 1990. Der “Echtermeyer” (1836–1981). Eine Gedichtanthologie für den Gebrauch in höheren Schulen. Darstellung und Auswertung seiner Geschichte im literatur- und kulturhistorischen Kontext. Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang Verlag.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Pardo, Céline, Anne Reverseau, Nadja Cohen, and Anneliese Depoux, eds. 2010. Poésie et médias. XX–XXIe siècle. Paris: Nouveau Monde.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Pardo, Céline. 2015. La poésie hors du livre (1945–1965). Le poème à l'ère de la radio et du disque. Paris: PUPS.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Parks, Walter Ward and John Arthos. 2016. “Periphrasis.” The Princeton Handbook of Poetic Terms, edited by Roland Greene and Stephen Cushman, 1020–1021. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Parmar, Priya. 2005. “Cultural Studies and Rap. The Poetry of an Urban Lyricist”, Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, 9(1), 5–15.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Parr, Rolf, and Jörg Schönert. 2008. Autorschaft. Eine kurze Sozialgeschichte der literarischen Intelligenz in Deutschland zwischen 1869 und 1930. Heidelberg: Synchron.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Pask, Kevin. 1996. The Emergence of the English Author. Scripting the Life of the Poet in Early Modern England. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Paxson, James J. 1994. The Poetics of Personification. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Peletier, Jacques. 1555. L'art poëtique. Lyon: Ian de Tournes, Guil. Gazeau.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Penzenstadler, Franz. 2016. “Frühe Neuzeit.” In Handbuch Lyrik: Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte, edited by Dieter Lamping, 380–410. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Pequeño Glazier, Loss. 2002. Digital Poetics. The Making of E-Poetries. Tuscalosa: University of Alabama Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media / Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Perednik, Jorge Santiago. 1982. “Estudio preliminar”. In Poesía concreta, A. Artaud; M. Bense; D. Pignatari y otros. Buenos Aires: Centro Editor de América Latina.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Perloff, Marjorie, and Craig Dworkin, eds. 2009. The Sound of Poetry/The Poetry of Sound. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Perloff, Marjorie. 1991. Radical Artifice. Writing Poetry in the Age of Media. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media / Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Perloff, Marjorie. 1998. Poetry On & Off the Page. Essays for Emergent Occasions. Evanston: Northwestern University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Perloff, Marjorie. 2010. Unoriginal Genius. Poetry by Other Means in the New Century. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media / Mediality and Materiality of Lyric / Producer of Lyric
Pestalozzi, Karl. 1970. Die Entstehung des lyrischen Ich. Studien zum Motiv der Erhebung in der Lyrik. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Petteruti Pellegrino, Pietro. 2013. La negligenza dei poeti: Indagini sull’esegesi della lirica dei moderni nel Cinquecento. Roma: Bulzoni.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Pfeiler, Martina. 2003. Sounds of Poetry. Contemporary American Performance Poets. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Pforte, Dietger. 1969 “Die deutschsprachige Anthologie.” In Die deutschsprachige Anthologie vol. 1, edited by Joachim Bark and Dietger Pforte, XIII–CXVI. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Phillips, Dana. 2003. The Truth of Ecology. Nature, Culture, and Literature in America. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Pier, John. 1989. Pragmatique du paratexte et signification. Études littéraires, Vol. 21, No. 3: 109–118.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Piok, Maria and Thomas Wegmann. 2018. “Zwischen Fakt und Fiktion – zu einigen Aspekten der frankophonen Paratextforschung.” In Paratextuelle Politik und Praxis. Interdependenzen von Werk und Autorschaft, edited by Martin Gerstenbräun-Krug and Nadja Reinhard, 91–100. Wien: Böhlau.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Pitman, Thea. 2018. “(New) Media Poetry.” In Stephen M. Hart (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Latin American Poetry. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 261–281.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Plato. 1871. The Dialogues of Plato. Translated into English with Analyses and Introduction. In Four Volumes, edited by B. Jowett. Vol 1. Oxford: Clarendon.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Poe, Edgar Allen. 1984. “Philosophy of Composition.” In Essays and Reviews, edited by G.R. Thompson. New York: Library of America.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Popp, Susanne. 2014. “Wechselwirkungen. Max Reger und die Literatur seiner Zeit.” In Annäherungen an Max Reger, edited by Martina Sichardt, 77–103. Hildesheim et al.: Olms Verlag.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Pound, Ezra. 1934. Make It New: Essays. London: Faber & Faber.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Pound, Ezra. 2009a. “A Retrospect.” The Poetry Foundation. Accessed on 25 April 2023.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Pound, Ezra. 2009b. “A Few Don’ts.” The Poetry Foundation. Accessed on 25 April 2023.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Pradeu, Christophe and Samoyault, Tiphaine. 2005. “Introduction” (pp. 5–11). In Christophe Pradeu and Tiphaine Samoyault, Où est la littérature mondiale ?, Paris, Saint-Denis, Presses Universitaires de Vincennes.
Primavesi, Oliver. 2008. “‘Aere perennius’? Die Antike Transformation der Lyrik und die neuzeitliche Gattungstrinität.” In Sprachen der Lyrik. Von der Antike bis zur digitalen Poesie. Für Gerhard Regn anlässlich seines 60. Geburtstags, edited by Klaus W. Hempfer, 15–32. Stuttgart: Steiner.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Prins, Yopie. 2012. “Poetess.” In The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, edited by Roland Greene, Stephen Cushman, Clare Cavanagh, Jahan Ramazani, and Paul Rouzer, 1051–1054. Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Puff, Jean-François, ed. 2015. Dire la poésie. Nantes: Éditions Cécile Defaut.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Pughe, Thomas. 2005. “Réinventer la nature: vers une éco-poétique.” Études Anglaises 58, 68–81.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
QQuetchenbach, Bernard W. 2000. Back from the Far Field: American Nature Poetry in the Late Twentieth Century. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
RRacine, Louis. 1808: “Réflexions sur la poésie [1747].” In Œuvres de Louis Racine, vol. 2, 136–525, Paris: Le Normant.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Ramazani, Jahan. 2009. A Transnational Poetics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Ramazani, Jahan. 2014. Poetry and Its Others. News, Prayer, Song, and the Dialogue of Genres. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Reich-Ranicki, Marcel. 1977. Frankfurter Anthologie. Vol. 2. Frankfurt am Main: Insel.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Reinhard, Nadja. 2018. “Paratextuelle Politik und Praxis – Einleitung.” In Paratextuelle Politik und Praxis. Interdependenzen von Werk und Autorschaft, edited by Martin Gerstenbräun-Krug and Nadja Reinhard, 9–36. Wien: Böhlau.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Rettberg, Scott. 2019. Electronic Literature. London: Polity Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Richards, I. A. 1924. Principles of Literary Criticism. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Richards, I. A. 1929. Practical Criticism: A Study of Literary Judgment. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Richter, Sandra, Toni Bernhart, Felix Dieterle, Gabriel Viehhauser, Gunilla Eschenbach, Jonas Kuhn, Nadja Schauffler, André Blessing, Markus Gärtner, Kerstin Jung, Nora Ketschik, Anna Kinder, Julia Koch, Thang Vu, and Andreas Kozlik. 2023. “Der Klang der Lyrik. Zur Konzeptualisierung von Sprecher und Stimme, auch für die computationelle Analyse.” POEMA. Jahrbuch für Lyrikforschung, Annual for the Study of Lyric Poetry, La recherche annuelle en poésie lyrique 1: 39–51. Accessed on 21 July 2024.
Ricœur, Paul. 1975. La métaphore vive. Paris: Editions du Seuil.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Rigby, Kate. 2016. “Earth’s Poesy: Romantic Poetics, Natural Philosophy, and Biosemiotics.” Zapf, H. (ed.). Handbook of Ecocriticism and Cultural Ecology, 45–64.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Rigolot, François. 1988. “Ronsard et Muret: Les pièces liminaires aux Amours de 1553. Revue d’Histoire littéraire de la France 88 No. 1: 3–16.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Rippl, Gabriele, and Julia Straub. 2013. “Zentrum und Peripherie: Kanon und Macht (Gender, Race, Postcolonialism).” In Handbuch Kanon und Wertung, edited by Gabriele Rippl and Simone Winko, 110–119. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Rippl, Gabriele, and Simone Winko, eds. 2013. Handbuch Kanon und Wertung. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Rippl, Gabriele, ed. 2015. Handbook of Intermediality. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Rockenberger, Annika. 2016. “Paratext und Neue Medien. Probleme und Perspektiven eines Begriffstransfers.” PhiN. Philologie im Netz 76: 20–60.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Rodríguez, Antonio and Kirsten Stirling. 2022. “New Objects for Lyric Criticism”, Études de Lettres, 319.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Romano, Claude. 2019. Être soi-même: Une autre histoire de la philosophie. Paris: Gallimard.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Rosa, Hartmut. 2010. Alienation and Acceleration. Towards a Critical Theory of Late-Modern Temporality. Copenhagen: NSU Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Rösler, Wolfgang. 2016. “Griechische Lyrik.” In Handbuch Lyrik. Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte, edited by Dieter Lamping, 322–338. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Rothe, Arnold. 1986. Der literarische Titel. Funktionen, Formen, Geschichte. Frankfurt: Klostermann.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Rucar, Yan. 2015. La littérature électronique Une traversée entre les signes. Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Rustad, Hans Kristian Stranstuen. 2023. Situating Scandinavian Poetry in the Computational Network Environment. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Ryan, Lawrence J. 1960. Hölderlins Lehre vom Wechsel der Töne. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
SSaemmer, Alexandra. 2010. “Textual material in the digital medium”. In Philippe Bootz and Sandy Baldwin (eds.), Regards croisés. Perspectives on Digital Literature. Virginia: Virginia University Press, 93–113.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Sánchez Aparicio, Vega. 2018. “El autor es usuario. Antología panhispánica de escrituras digitales”, Letral. Revista Electrónica de Estudios Transatlánticos de Literatura, 20, 221–230.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Sánchez Luna, José Antonio. 2016. “Manuscritos medievales iluminados, una iluminación para la Edad Media”. Biblioteca Universitaria, 19, 1: 73–89.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Sapiro, Gisèle and Bokobza, Anaïs. 2008. “L’essor des traductions littéraires en français” (pp. 145–173), in Sapiro, Gisèle (ed.), Translatio. Le marché de la traduction en France à l’heure de la mondialisation. Paris: CNRS.
Sapiro, Gisèle. 2019. “Publishing Poetry in Translation: An Inquiry into the Margins of the World Book Market” (pp. 23–43). In Jacob Blakesley, Sociologies of Poetry Translation. Emerging Perspectives, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2019, p. 40
Sautermeister, Gert. 1998. “Lyrik und literarisches Leben.” In Hansers Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart, vol. 5: Zwischen Restauration und Revolution: 1815 – 1848, edited by id. and Ulrich Schmid, 459–485. München, Wien: Hanser.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Scaffai, Niccolò. 2018. Ecopoetry. Poesia del degrado ambientale, numero monografico di Semicerchio. Rivista di poesia comparata, LVIII-LIX, 1–2.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Scaliger, Iulius Caesar. 1994. Poetices libri septem. Sieben Bücher über die Dichtkunst, edited and translated by L. Deitz. Vol. 1. Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzbog.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Schaffrick, Matthias, and Marcus Willand. 2014. “Forschungsüberblick.” In Theorien und Praktiken der Autorschaft, edited by Matthias Schaffrick and Marcus Willand, 3–148. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Schenk, Klaus. 2000. Medienpoesie. Moderne Lyrik zwischen Schrift und Stimme. Stuttgart, Weimar: Metzler.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Scherer, Jacques. 1978 [1957]. Le “Livre” de Mallarmé. Paris: Gallimard.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Schickhaus, Tobias Akira. 2020. “Literarische Interkulturalität kommentieren. Die mehrsprachige Lyrikübertragung in Sandscript von José F. A. Oliver und Marc James Mueller.” editio. Internationales Jahrbuch für Editionswissenschaft 34, No. 1: 207–224.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Schiller, Friedrich. 2008. “Über Bürgers Gedichte.” In Werke und Briefe in zwölf Bänden. Vol. 8: Theoretische Schriften, edited by Rolf-Peter Janz, 972–988. Frankfurt: Klassiker Verlag.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Schiller, Friedrich. 2008. “Über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen in einer Reihe von Briefen.” In Werke und Briefe in zwölf Bänden. Band 8: Theoretische Schriften, edited by Rolf-Peter Janz, 556–676. Frankfurt: Klassiker Verlag.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Schlegel, Johann Adolf. 1976. “Von dem höchsten und allgemeinsten Grundsatze der Poesie [1770].” In Einschränkung der schönen Künste auf einen einzigen Grundsatz. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt und mit Abhandlungen begleitet von Johann Adolf Schlegel. Zwei Teile in einem Band. Hildesheim: Olms.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Schmid, Wolf. 2021. “Der abstrakte Autor in der Lyrik. Zwanzig Thesen.” In Autor und Subjekt im Gedicht. Positionen, Perspektiven und Praktiken heute, edited by Peter Geist, Friederike Reents and Henrieke Stahl, 33–41. Berlin: Metzler.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Schmidt, Jochen. 1985. Die Geschichte des Genie-Gedankens in der deutschen Literatur, Philosophie und Politik (1750–1945). 2 volumes. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Schneider, Ralf. 2012. “Codification, Descriptivism and Prescriptivism in British Literary History.” In Canons, Codices and Curricula. Description and Prescription in Language and Literature, edited by Anne Schröder, Ulrich Busse and Ralf Schneider, 37–51. Bielefeld: Aisthesis.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Schneider, Ralf. 2013. “Großbritannien.” In Handbuch Kanon und Wertung, edited by Gabriele Rippl and Simone Winko, 289–296. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Schneider, Wolfgang Christian. 2016. “Höfische Dichterkreise des Hochmittelalters: Der aquitanische und der sizilische Dichterkreis.” In “Kreis aus Kreisen”. Der Georgekreis im Kontext deutscher und europäischer Gemeinschaftsbildung, edited by Bruno Pieger and Bertram Schefold, 135–160. Hildesheim: Olms.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Schoene, Berthold. 2013. “Weltliteratur und kosmopolitische Literatur.” In Handbuch Kanon und Wertung, edited by Gabriele Rippl and Simone Winko, 356–363. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Schönert, Jörg. 1999. “Empirischer Autor, Impliziter Autor und Lyrisches Ich.” In Rückkehr des Autors. Zur Erneuerung eines umstrittenen Begriffs, edited by Fotis Jannidis, Gerhard Lauer, Matías Martínez and Simone Winko, 289–294. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Schönert, Jörg. 2014. “Author.” In The Living Handbook of Narratology, edited by Peter Hühn, Jan Christoph Meister, John Pier and Wolf Schmid. Accessed June 29, 2022.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Schwartz, Jorge. 1993. Vanguardia y cosmopolitismo en la década del veinte. Oliverio Girondo y Oswald de Andrade. Rosario: Beatriz Viterbo.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Schwindt, Nicole. 2008. “Zwischen Musikhandschrift und Notendruck. Paratexte in den ersten deutschen Liederbüchern.” In Die Pluralisierung des Paratextes in der Frühen Neuzeit. Theorie, Formen, Funktionen, edited by Frieder von Ammon and Herfried Vögel, 157–186. Berlin: LIT.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Segebrecht, Wulf. 1997. “Gelegenheitsgedicht.” In Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft, edited by Harald Fricke, Klaus Grubmüller, Jan-Dirk Müller, and Klaus Weimar, vol. 1, 688–691. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Segre, Cesare. 1999 [1985]. Avviamento all’analisi del testo letterario. Torino: Einaudi.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Sencindiver, Susan Yi. 2019. “New Materialism." Oxford Bibliographies. DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780190221911-0016.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of. 1710. Soliloquy or Advice to an author. London: Morphew.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Shannon, Claude E., and Warren Weaver. 1949. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Urbana: University of Illinois.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Shklovsky, Victor. 1988. “Art as Technique.” In Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader, edited by David Lodge, 16–30. London and New York: Longman.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Sidney, Sir Philip. 2002. An Apology for Poetry Or the Defence of Poesy, ed. by Geoffrey Shepherd, revised and expanded by R.W. Maslen. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices / Producer of Lyric
Simanowski, Roberto. 2006. “Transmedialität als Kennzeichen moderner Kunst”. In Urs Meyer, Roberto Simanowski y Christoph Zeller (eds.), Transmedialität: Studien zu paraliterarischen Verfahren. Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag, 39–81.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Smith, Barbara Herrnstein. 1988. Contingencies of Value. Alternative Perspectives for Critical Theory. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Snell, Bruno. 1955. Die Entdeckung des Geistes. Studien zur Entstehung des europäischen Denkens bei den Griechen. Hamburg: Claassen.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Solnick, Sam. 2017. Poetry and the Anthropocene. Ecology, Biology and Technology in Contemporary British and Irish Poetry. London: Routledge.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Solt, Mary Ellen and Willis Barnstone. 1968. Concrete Poetry: A World View. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Solt, Mary Ellen. 1968. Concrete Poetry: A World View. Indiana: Indiana University Press.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Sontag, Susan. 1977. On Photography. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Sorby, Angela. 2012. “Recitation.” The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, Princeton, edited by Roland Greene, Stephen Cushman, Clare Cavanagh, Jahan Ramazani, and Paul Rouzer, 1149–1150. Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Souchier, Emmanuël. 2007. “Formes et pouvoirs de l'énonciation éditoriale.” Communication & Langages 154: 23–38.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Sowinski, Bernhard. 1999. Stilistik: Stiltheorien und Stilanalysen. 2nd edition. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Sperber, Dan, and Deirdre Wilson. 1995. Relevance. Communication and Cognition. Second edition. Malden, Oxford: Blackwell.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Spitzer, Leo. 1928. “Wortkunst und Sprachwissenschaft.” In Stilstudien. Vol. 2: Stilsprachen, 498–536. München: Max Hueber.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. 2003. Death of a Discipline. New York: Columbia University Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Spoerhase, Carlos. 2007. Autorschaft und Interpretation. Methodische Grundlagen einer philologischen Hermeneutik. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
St Clair, William. 2004. The Reading Nation in the Romantic Period. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Staiger, Emil. 1963 [1946]. Grundbegriffe der Poetik. 6th edition. Zürich: Atlantis.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Starobinski, Jean. 1989. Table d'Orientation. L'auteur et son autorité. Lausanne: L'Age d'Homme.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Starre, Alexander. 2013. “Kontextbezogene Modell: Bildung, Ökonomie, Nation und Identität als Kanonisierungsfaktoren.” In Handbuch Kanon und Wertung, edited by Gabriele Rippl and Simone Winko, 58–66. Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Stecker, Robert. 1987. “Apparent, Implied, and Postulated Authors.” Philosophy and Literature 11, no. 2: 258–271.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Stefans, Brian Kim. 2017. Word Toys. Poetry and Technics. Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Steiner, George. 1972. Extraterritorial. Papers on Literature and the Language Revolution. London: Penguin Peregrine Books.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Steiner, Wendy. 1988. Pictures of Romance: Form against Context in Painting and Literature. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Stempel, Wolf-Dieter, and Inge Paulmann, eds. 1972. Texte der russischen Formalisten. Vol. 2: Texte zur Theorie des Verses und der poetischen Sprache. München: Fink.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Stengers, Isabelle. 2019. Résister au désastre. Dialogue avec Martin Schaffner. Marseille: Éditions Wildproject.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Stephens, Paul. 2015. Poetry of Information Overload. From Gertrude Stein to Conceptual Writing. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Stephens, Paul. 2015. The Poetics of the Information Overload: From Gertrude Stein to Conceptual Writing. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Stockwell, Peter. 2020. Cognitive Poetics. A New Introduction. London and New York: Routledge.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Stolley, Karl. 2015. “MVC, Materiality, and the Magus: The Rhetoric of Source-Level Production”. In Jim Ridolfo y William Hart-Davidson (eds.), Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 264–276.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Stougaard-Nielsen, Jakob. 2019. “The Author in Literary Theory.” In The Cambridge Handbook of Literary Authorship, edited by Ingo Berensmeyer, Gert Buelens and Marysa Demoor, 270–287. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Striphas, Ted. 2009. The late age of print: Everyday book culture from consumerism to control. New York: Columbia University Press.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Sturken, Marita and Lisa Cartwright. 2001. Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Suerbaum, Almut. 1998. “Accessus ad auctores. Autorkonzeption in mittelalterlichen Kommentartexten.” In Autor und Autorschaft im Mittelalter, edited by Elizabeth Andersen, Jens Haustein, Anne Simon and Peter Strohschneider, 29–37. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Suleiman, Yasir. 2013. Arabic in the Fray. Language Ideology and Cultural Politics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Susman, Margarete. 1910. Das Wesen der modernen deutschen Lyrik. Stuttgart: Strecker & Schröder.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Swift, Jackie. 2018. “Poets, Artists, Game Makers and New Media”, Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
TTabbi, Joseph, ed. 2020. Post-Digital. Dialogues and Debates from electronic book review (2 volumes). London: Bloomsbury.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Tesauro, Emanuele. 2024. Il Cannocchiale aristotelico, edited by Maicol Cutrì. Milan-Parma: Guanda-Fondazione Bembo.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Thain, Marion. 2003. “What Kind of a Critical Category Is ‘Women’s Poetry’?” Victorian Poetry 41, no. 4: 575–584.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Thangavel, Shanmugapriya, Nirmala Menon and Andy Campbell. 2019. “An introduction to the functioning process of embedded paratext of digital literature: Technoeikon of digital poetry” Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, Volume 34, No. 3 (September): 646–660.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
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Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Thomsen, Mads Rosendahl. 2008. Mapping World Literature: International Canonization and Transnational Literatures. London: Continuum.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Thomsen, Mads Rosendahl. 2017. “Changing Spaces: Canonization of Anglophone World Literature.” Anglia 135, no. 1: 51–66.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Thomsen, Mads Rosendahl. 2020. “Anglophone World Literatures, the Internet and the Digital Humanities.” In Handbook of Anglophone World Literatures, edited by Stefan Helgesson, Birgit Neumann and Gabriele Rippl, 275–288. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Tiffany, Daniel. 2020. “Lyric Poetry and Poetics.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature. Accessed on 25 July 2023.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Tomasi, Franco. 2012. Studi sulla lirica rinascimentale (1540–1570). Roma: Antenore.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Tonra, Justin. 2014. “Masks of Refinement: Pseudonym, Paratext, and Authorship in the Early Poetry of Thomas Moore.” European Romantic Review, 25 (5): 551–73.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Torre, Guillermo de. 1967. “Para la prehistoria ultraísta de Borges”. In Al pie de las letras. Buenos Aires: Losada.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Trimpi, Wesley, and F. L. Blumberg. 2012. “decorum”. In The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 4th edition, edited by Roland Greene et al., 341–342. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Tsur, Reuven. 1992. Towards a Theory of Cognitive Poetics. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Tufte, Edward. 2001 [1983]. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. 2nd edition. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
VVaillant, Alain. 2016. La Poésie. Introduction à l’analyse des textes poétiques. Paris: Armand Colin.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Van Dalen-Oskam, Karina. 2023. The Riddle of Literary Quality: A Computational Approach. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Vanderborg, Susan. 2001. Paratextual Communities: American Avant-Garde Poetry since 1950. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Venuti, Lawrence. 1998. The Scandals of Translation. Towards an ethics of difference. London and New York: Routledge.
Verdonk, Peter. 2002. Stylistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Verlaine, Paul. 1982. Les poètes maudits. (1883/84) Introduction et notes par Michel Décaudin. Paris: Sedes.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Viala, Alain. 1985. Naissance de l’écrivain. Sociologie de la littérature à l’age classique. Paris: Minuit.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Vickers, Brian. 1988. In defence of rhetoric. Oxford: Clarendon.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Vigo, Edgardo Antonio. 1970. Poesía para y/o a realizar. La Plata: Ediciones Diagonal Cero.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Vinclair, Pierre. 2020. Agir non agir. Éléments pour une poésie de la résistance écologique. Paris: Corti.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Vischer, Friedrich Theodor. 1857. Aesthetik oder Wissenschaft des Schönen: Dritter Theil: Die Kunstlehre. Zweiter Abschnitt. Die Künste. Fünftes Heft: Die Dichtkunst. Reutlingen: Mäcken.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Vorobʹev, Igorʹ Stanislavovič. 2008. Russkij avangard : manifesty, deklaracii, programmnye statʹi ; (1908 - 1917) ; k 100-letiju russkogo avangarda [The Russian avant-garde : manifestos, declarations, programme texts (1908 - 1917) ; to the 100th anniversary of the Russian avant-garde ]. Sankt-Peterburg: Izdat. Kompozitor.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Vorrath, Wiebke. 2020. Hörlyrik der Gegenwart. Auditive Poesie in digitalen Medien. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media / Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Vos, Eric. 2007. “Media Poetry – Theory and Strategies”. In E. Kac (ed.), Media Poetry: An International Anthology. Bristol: Intellect Books. 199–212.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Voß, Torsten and Nadja Reinhard. 2017. FWF-Projekt “Zur Funktion auktorialer Paratexte für die Inszenierung von Autorschaft.” Accessed January 27, 2024.
Referenced in: Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Vuilleumier, Florence. 1999. “Les conceptismes.” In Histoire de la rhétorique dans l’Europe moderne 1450–1950, edited by Marc Fumaroli, 517–537. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
WWalkowitz, Rebecca. 2015. Born Translated: The Contemporary Novel in an Age of World Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Wall-Romana, Christophe. 2013. Cinepoetry. Imaginary Cinemas in French Poetry. New York: Fordham University Press.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Waquet, Françoise, ed. 2023. Paroles ailées. Lectures en public d’œuvres littéraires (XVIe–XXIe siècle). Paris : Sorbonne Université Presses.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Wehde, Susanne. 2000. Typographische Kultur: Eine zeichentheoretische und kulturgeschichtliche Studie zur Typographie und ihrer Entwicklung. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Weimar, Klaus. 1997. “Genie.” In Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft, new edition, vol.1, edited by Harald Fricke, Klaus Grubmüller, Jan-Dirk Müller and Klaus Weimar, 701–703. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Weinberg, Bernard, ed. 1972. Trattati di poetica e retorica del Cinquecento. Vol. III. Bari: Laterza.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Weintraub, Scott. 2018. Latin American Technopoetics. Scientific Explorations in New Media. New York: Routledge.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and Visual / Audio-Visual Media
Wetzel, Michael, ed. 2022. Grundthemen der Literaturwissenschaft: Autorschaft. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Wetzel, Michael. 2020. Der Autor-Künstler. Ein europäischer Gründungsmythos vom schöpferischen Individuum. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
White, Kenneth. 1994. Le plateau de l’albatros: Introduction à la géopoétique. Paris: Grasset et Fasquelle.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Wiedemann, Conrad. 1970. “Vorspiel der Anthologie. Konstruktivistische, repräsentative und anthologische Sammelformen in der Literatur des 17. Jahrhunderts.” In Die deutschsprachige Anthologie, vol. 2, edited by Joachim Bark and Dietger Pforte, 1–47. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Williams, Emmet. 2013. An Anthology of Concrete Poetry. Reykjavik: Primary Information [first edition: 1967, Something Else Press].
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Williams, Raymond. 1965 [1961] The Long Revolution. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Williams, Raymond. 2003 [1974]. Television. Technology and Cultural Form. London: Routledge.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Wimsatt, W. K., and Monroe C. Beardsley. 1954. “The Intentional Fallacy.” In The Verbal Icon. Studies in the Meaning of Poetry. And Two Preliminary Essays Written in Collaboration with Monroe C. Beardsley, edited by W. K. Wimsatt, 3–18. London: Methuen.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Winko, Simone. 2002. “Literatur-Kanon als ‚invisible hand‘-Phänomen.” In Literarische Kanonbildung, edited by Heinz Ludwig Arnold and Hermann Korte, 9–24. München: Edition Text + Kritik.
Referenced in: Canons of Lyric Poetry
Woodmansee, Martha. 1994. The Author, Art, and the Market. Rereading the History of Aesthetics. New York: Columbia University Press.
Referenced in: Producer of Lyric
Woolf, Virginia. 2019. Orlando. London: Penguin.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
Wordsworth, William. 1992. Lyrical Ballads [Wordsworth and Coleridge], edited by Michael Mason. Harlow: Longman.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices / Producer of Lyric
Wünsch, Marianne. 1975. Der Strukturwandel in der Lyrik Goethes: Die systemimmanente Relation der Kategorien ‘Literatur’ und ‘Realität’: Probleme und Lösungen. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices
ZZarkar, Rustin. 2013. “Word as Image: Contextualizing ‘Calligraffiti: 1984–2013' with French-Tunisian Street Artist eL Seed”. Ajam Media Collective. Accessed May 4, 2023.
Referenced in: Visual Patterns: Sign, Image and Object
Zemanek, Evi und Anna Rauscher. 2018. “Das ökologische Potenzial der Naturlyrik. Diskursive, figurative und formsemantische Innovation.”, accessed 7 October 2022.
Referenced in: Lyric Poetry and the (Human) Environment
Zumthor, Paul. 1983. Introduction à la poésie orale. Paris: Seuil.
Referenced in: Mediality and Materiality of Lyric
Zymner, Rüdiger. 2009. Lyrik: Umriss und Begriff. Paderborn: Mentis.
Zymner, Rüdiger. 2017. “Lyric and Its ‘Worlds’.” Journal of Literary Theory. Special Issue “Theories of Lyric” 11, no. 1: 149–160.
Referenced in: Lyrical Style, Poetic Language, Stylistic Devices