Max Hidalgo Nácher is Associate Professor in the Department of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at the University of Barcelona and member of the group «Multilingualism, Translation, Creation» (ITEM - ENS/CNRS). He published Teoría en tránsito. Arqueología de la crítica y la teoría literaria españolas de 1966 a la posdictadura (Santa Fe, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, 2022). He has edited Los angéles exterminados (Sevilla, Athenaica, 2022) by José Bergamín and co-edited the collective volume Julián Ríos y las metamorfosis de una escritura plural (Zaragoza, Libros del Innombrable, 2023). He is currently writing an essay on the library, intellectual networks and the theory and practice of translation of Haroldo de Campos, as well as on the circulation of literary theory in the French, Brazilian, Spanish and Argentinean domains.