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Mora, Vicente Luis. 2025. "IV.8.poésie lyrique et médias visuels / audio-visuels." In Poetry in Notions. The Online Critical Compendium of Lyric Poetry, edited by Gustavo Guerrero, Ralph Müller, Antonio Rodiguez and Kirsten Stirling, .

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 iv...Formes, modes et sous-genres textuels

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Bibliographie complémentaire

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  • Baetens, Jan and Domingo Sánchez-Mesa. 2017. “La literatura en expansión. Intermedialidad y transmedialidad en el cruce entre literatura comparada, los estudios culturales y los new media studies”, Tropelías. Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada, 27, 6—27.
  • Carvalho Pereira, Vinícius y Maciel, Cristiano. 2013. “The user’s and the designer’s role and the aesthetic experience of generative literature”. Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing System, Brazilian Computer Society, 188–197.
  • Higgins, Dick. 1965. «Synesthesia and Intersenses: Intermedia», Something Else Newsletter, n.1.
  • Louvel, Liliane. 2011. Poetics of the Iconotext. Surrey: Ashgate.
  • Marinho Lares, Leandro and Andréa Portolomeos. 2024. “Imagem e(m) verso: um teste de resistores na poesia brasileira contemporânea”, Revista Investigações, 37(1), 1–23.
  • Matrona, Kasey Jones. 2024. “Creating Collaborative Digital Poetic Worlds in the Video Poetry of Heid Erdrich and Kathy Jetñil-Kijiner”. In Taryne Jade Taylor, Isiah Lavender G. L. Dillon and Bodhisattava Chattopadhyay (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Cofuturisms. New York: Routledge, 66–76.
  • Mencía, María. 2011. New Media ArtPoetry: A Reflection on Practice. Naples: Atelier Multimediale edizione.
  • Nachtergael, Magali. 2020. Poet against the Machine. Marseille: Les mots et le reste.
  • Pughe, Thomas. 2005. “Réinventer la nature: vers une éco-poétique.” Études Anglaises 58, 68–81.
  • Rucar, Yan. 2015. La littérature électronique Une traversée entre les signes. Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
  • Weintraub, Scott. 2018. Latin American Technopoetics. Scientific Explorations in New Media. New York: Routledge.


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