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Further bibliography
- Adler, Jeremy and Ernst, Ulrich. 1988. Text und Figure. Visuelle Poesie von der Antike bis zur Moderne. Weinheim: VCH.
- Barthes, Roland. 1982. “L’esprit de la lettre ”, “Erté ou A la lettre”, “Semiographie d’André Masson ” et “Cy Twombly ou Non multa sed multum”. In L’obvie et l’obtus. Essais critiques lII. Paris : Editions du Seuil.
- Byson, Norman (ed.) 1988. Calligram. Essays in New Art History from France. Cambridge University Press.
- Christin, Anne-Marie. 2009. L’Image écrit ou la déraison graphique. Paris: Flammarion.
- D’Ors, Miguel. 2006. “Nuevos datos sobre caligramas.” Rhythmica, III–IV.
- Freeman, Margaret. 2020. The Poem as Icon: A Study in Aesthetic Cognition. Oxford University Press.
- Garnier, Pierre. 1968. Spatialisme et Poésie Concrète. Paris: Gallimard.
- Jackson, K. David; Vos, Eric and Drucker, Johanna (eds.) 1996. Experimental - Visual - Concrete: Avant-Garde Poetry since the 1960s. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- Kac, Eduardo, ed. 2007. Media Poetry. An International Anthology, edited by Eduardo Kac. Chicago: Intellect Books/The University of Chicago Press.
- Kozak, Claudia. 2004. Contra la pared. Sobre graffitis, pintadas y otras intervenciones urbanas. Buenos Aires: Libros del Rojas.
- Kozak, Claudia. 2020. “Experimental Electronic Literature from the Souths. A Political Contribution to Critical and Creative Digital Humanities.” Electronic Book Review (ebr), January 3, pp 1-22.
- Kozak, Claudia. 2021. “La poésie numérique vue depuis l’Amérique Latine: théorie, histoire, critique”. Traducción de Antonio Rodríguez. Théories du Lyric. Lyrical Valley, 3, Université de Laussane.
- Melo e Castro, Ernesto M. de. 2007. “Videopoetry”. In Eduardo Kac (ed.), Media Poetry: An International Anthology. Bristol: Intellect Books. 175–184.
- Vigo, Edgardo Antonio. 1970. Poesía para y/o a realizar. La Plata: Ediciones Diagonal Cero.
- Williams, Emmet. 2013. An Anthology of Concrete Poetry. Reykjavik: Primary Information [first edition: 1967, Something Else Press].