Rippl, Gabriele

Gabriele Rippl is a full professor of American Literature/Literatures in English at the University of Berne. She studied English, American and German literature and linguistics at the University of Konstanz. From 1991 to 1993, she was a doctoral fellow in the DFG Graduate School “Theory of Literature and Communication.” This doctoral fellowship, together with a DAAD grant, enabled her to work on her dissertation on early modern English women’s autobiographies at the University of Konstanz and at the Bodleian Library, Oxford. After completing her dissertation, she was a lecturer and assistant to Prof. Dr. Aleida Assmann, Chair of English Literature, University of Konstanz. During this time she wrote her post-doctoral thesis (‘Habilitation’) on intermediality and ekphrasis (text-picture relationships) in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Anglo-American literature. Based on this research project, she published her second book Beschreibungs-Kunst. Zur Intermedialen Poetik angloamerikanischer Ikon-Texte (1880-2000), Fink 2005. From 2003 to 2005 she was full professor of English Literature at the University of Göttingen. Gabriele Rippl is a member of the Swiss National Research Council and Vice-President of the SNF's Specialized Committee Careers and serves on the Advisory Board of the Berrow Foundation, Lincoln College, Oxford.