- Trouvé au paragraphe 11: (...) ore recent forms of digital poetry explore different d (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 16: (...) ) poetry but native digital poetry (digital “born”) in (...)
5 articles with
digital poetry
i Général
iii Distribution et communication
iii.6Péritexte et paratexte en poésie
Klimek, Sonja - 2025
iv Formes, modes et sous-genres textuels
iv.7Motifs visuels en poésie lyrique
Kozak, Claudia - 2025
- Trouvé au paragraphe 14: (...) BC) to contemporary digital poetry, visual iconicity h (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 17: (...) been transferred to digital poetry with the added feat (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 25: (...) s, before moving to digital poetry and later biopoetry (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 30: (...) rmatic poetry – and digital poetry which roots in the (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 31: (...) ion to one genre of digital poetry name as kinetic poe (...)
- Trouvé dans la bibliographie / webliographie
- Trouvé au paragraphe 10: (...) ng on some works of digital poetry, Brian Kim Stefans (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 13: (...) illustrated poetry, digital poetry, video poems, kinet (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 14: (...) he many examples of digital poetry, visual poetry, or (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 18: (...) Poetry 2.0 or Digital Poetry. In the digital ver (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 21: (...) ted calligrames and digital poetry for the “intersemio (...)
- Trouvé au paragraphe 35: (...) Poetry 2.0 or Digital Poetry. Despite originally (...)
- Trouvé dans la bibliographie / webliographie