- Found in paragraph 17: (...) can be seen in the anthologies and repositories r (...)
6 articles with
i General
ii Context, Social Groups and Environmental Issues
- Found in paragraph 6: (...) tion). Contemporary anthologies of environment poe (...)
- Found in paragraph 12: (...) re). Therefore, the anthologies of environment poe (...)
- Found in paragraph 13: (...) 70s and 1980s). The anthologies on which this arti (...)
- Found in bibliography / webliography
iii Distribution and Communication
iii.5Canons of Lyric Poetry
Rippl, Gabriele / Winko, Simone - 2025
- Found in paragraph 2: (...) s, literary prizes, anthologies, etc. participate (...)
- Found in paragraph 3: (...) ons (for example in anthologies or digital corpora (...)
- Found in paragraph 4: (...) lation of important anthologies of English and Bri (...)
- Found in paragraph 7: (...) literary histories; anthologies; curricula of scho (...)
- Found in paragraph 8: (...) nd English-language anthologies and university cur (...)
- Found in paragraph 9: (...) Anthologies of selected works (...)
- Found in paragraph 10: (...) at whereas literary anthologies play a major role (...)
- Found in paragraph 11: (...) the number of lyric anthologies has steadily incre (...)
- Found in paragraph 12: (...) e and drama. Poetry anthologies do not play a prom (...)
- Found in paragraph 15: (...) website Best Poetry Anthologies (180 books). The b (...)
- Found in paragraph 16: (...) eld of lyric poetry anthologies currently revolve (...)
- Found in bibliography / webliography
iii.6Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Klimek, Sonja - 2025
- Found in paragraph 4: (...) ult, for example in anthologies (see Graff 2019) o (...)
- Found in bibliography / webliography
iv Textual Forms, Modes, and Subgenres
- Found in paragraph 71: (...) zensberger with his anthologies of poems (e.g., Mu (...)
- Found in paragraph 35: (...) 022). See also the anthologies edited by Jacques D (...)