- Found in paragraph 8: (...) ys a certain social norm or convention. Cont (...)
- Found in paragraph 9: (...) mplicit or explicit norms that rule this typ (...)
7 articles with
i General
ii Context, Social Groups and Environmental Issues
ii.1Producer of Lyric
Müller, Ralph / Sabban, Adela Sophia - 2025
- Found in paragraph 25: (...) hus, the decline of normative poetics primar (...)
- Found in paragraph 35: (...) nger considered the norm. Lyric has, like fe (...)
- Found in bibliography / webliography
- Found in paragraph 15: (...) and processes? An enormous challenge to poe (...)
iii Distribution and Communication
iii.5Canons of Lyric Poetry
Rippl, Gabriele / Winko, Simone - 2025
- Found in paragraph 2: (...) are based both on (normative) textual/aesth (...)
- Found in paragraph 6: (...) the role of social norms, and their context (...)
iii.6Peritext and Paratext in Lyric Poetry
Klimek, Sonja - 2025
- Found in paragraph 5: (...) ve titles, but were normally united in colle (...)
iv Textual Forms, Modes, and Subgenres
- Found in paragraph 2: (...) le can be used as a normative category, a de (...)
- Found in paragraph 26: (...) that interrupts the normal syntactical flow (...)
- Found in paragraph 44: (...) break away from the normative poetic rules, (...)
- Found in paragraph 48: (...) oetry, in which an enormously successful and (...)
- Found in paragraph 61: (...) at the latest, such normative ideals of lite (...)
- Found in paragraph 77: (...) , condensation, and norm-breaking. His poetr (...)
- Found in paragraph 88: (...) cation and language norms with his ‘beyond m (...)
- Found in paragraph 93: (...) things out of their normal context” (Shklovs (...)
- Found in bibliography / webliography
- Found in paragraph 25: (...) s (1994), edited by Norman Bryson, Michael A (...)
- Found in paragraph 32: (...) ades prior, such as Norman McLaren’s films. (...)
- Found in paragraph 33: (...) Paul Muldoon & Norman McBeath’s Plan B (...)
- Found in bibliography / webliography